I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon


Expert Expediter
I am kind of surprised at what somebody said about Flight 93 being a hollywood movie. I know movies have a little added to make them more exciting, but...you dont have to add much to that story line to keep your attention.

As far as Israel goes...they may be nicer about how they handle things than I would be. Anytime you got a neighbor who says over and over that you should be killed/destroyed...you know then you cannot reason with them. If you try to negotiate with somebody like that, you will be the one on the losing end.


Veteran Expediter
I guess it is me and my ethics but I find things like making a movie about a tragity and making money off of it is wrong - regaurdless what message it carries. I won't see that movie or Oliver Stone's up and coming movie because it cheapens the memories of the people who died by the very thought that some make a s**t load of money off a tragity.

The same goes for the memorial c**p going on in NYC, all the fighting and b*tching cheapens the tragity.

I had a hard time with Pearl Harbor and Ben (wheres Jlo?)Aflack promoting the movie and p*ssing off a lot of vets by his off color statments.

But thats' me.


Veteran Expediter
You know after watching the latest out of Lebanon, I have to say let Israel finish what they started.

The latest is that Lebanon rejects what SoS Rice has proposed; cease fire, release of the kidnapped soldiers and no rockets fired into Israel. Rejected! I say no humanitary aid, no money, cut them off completely until the people and the goverement decide to either become a sovereign country or remain under the control of terrorist.

As I said, I am no fan of Israel but someone has to do something.

WOW! This makes 1000 posts on EO


Seasoned Expediter
The key here is that Israel started it and can end it at any time.
I view the Israelis as no better than Hezbollah, they are both guilty of terrorism.

But you know, I could care less about Lebanon or Israel. I care about America, and supporting Israel is not in America's best interests. I think we should cut Israel off completly from any money or arms until they behave like human beings to the Palestinians and get serious about peace.



Expert Expediter
Oh, Stanley, you are so ill informed.

The modern state of Israel was created by UN mandate in 1947. Israel invited all of the Arabs living in that area (Palestine) to continue living there and to become citizens. Most of the Arabs (over 700,000) thumbed their nose at this offer and CHOSE to become so-called refugees. The day after Israel declared their independence on 14 May 1948, they were attacked by Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon and they have been at war ever since. Only Egypt and Jordan have subsequently negotiated peace agreements with Israel. The avowed goal of all other Arab (Muslim) nations (and now including Iran) is the total and complete destruction of Israel; they absolutely refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist. I think if all of YOUR neighbors were trying to destroy you and your family you would fight back also. Not only would you fight back, but you would try to destroy their capability to wage further attacks on you.


Seasoned Expediter
Ill informed? No, not at all. You gave a very accurate and concise view of the foundation of Israel from an Israeli viewpoint. I don't accept it and many, many scholars don't either.

But that wasn't the point I was making. The point I was making was that this conflict is not in America's best interests to pursue on Israel or Lebanon's behalf. A pox on both their houses. Israel is just not worth the trouble anymore. It is time to dump our support of them and their terrorist actions. Israel caused the problem and they can solve it on their own.



Expert Expediter
Amen to what MDB said. Israel is being a lot nicer than I would be under like conditions. }>


Veteran Expediter
I agree with ARKJARHEAD,let the military fight the wars.I have made this statement many times,that the likes of Rumsfield and Cheany have no business over ruling the Generals.By a very wide margin,Generals are speaking up to this issue(at least the ones not still being paid by this administration)and have concluded that we blew it with the "run in and zap Sudam"theory of attack.It's why we are in the mess we are in today.
As a bleeding heart liberal,I have had to listen to all manner of excuse as to why my thinking was un American and counter productive on this subject.Ark,we may never vote the same,but many roads lead to a rational conclution.


Expert Expediter
Stanley said: " I don't accept it and many, many scholars don't either."

Stanley, whether you accept it or not doesn't change history. You need to re-visit my quote from Thomas Sowell. Scroll up to message #6.

By the way, the only country in the world that has stood with and supported the U.S. in ALL of our endeavors in the U.N. is Israel. Every one of our other so-called allies has, at one time or another, openly opposed us or covertly stabbed us in the back. Our biggest mistake in the Arab-Israeli conflict has been the billions and billions of $ that we handed over to Yassir and his Arab terrorists over the years which enabled them to continue terrorizing Israel. If the Arabs in Palestine are in such dire financial straits, the other Arab countries should support them.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I find it hard to believe that someone would want us to cut our association with Israel. They are only protecting their right to exist. They are a democracy. They would be right beside us in Iraq or any other Mid East country if we asked them. Remember many Arab leaders in the 40's sided with the Nazi's in WWII because of their dislike of France and Britain.

The problem I see is people have lost their nerve to conduct war. We want to cause as little damage to the the civilian population as possible. Sherman did not worry about that in the civil war.
Hitler did not worry about that in WWII. FDR , Truman ,Stalin,and Churchill did not worry about it in WWII.

We must decide if we are going to war we will not worry about what happens to our enemy and only worry about what is good for the U.S.A. intrests.


Seasoned Expediter
Thats' right, American interests. I am all for that. If we dropped our support for Israel and supported the Arabs we would have less of a problem in the middle east. Israel is NOT a democracy, it is a theocracy, jews only, if democracy really matters. I don't care what other countries want as a government or laws if that is what they want. I am an American.

I stick by my position, it is in America's best interests to dump our support of Israel until they behave and stop causing trouble for us and our interests in the region.

No country has eternal friends or enemies, only eternal interests. Israel is nothing special in history.



Veteran Expediter

I support Isreal in this war and I think it is in the best intrest of the USA to get involved and to send in solders.We claim we are fighting a war against terrorism.We said you are either with us or against us.So why are we standing around with our hands in our pockets when other countrie are still being terrorised.WE were all so gun ho when we got attacked and wanted help from every other country yet when other countries get attacked where are we.We invaded a country and didn't even know who the terrorist were in that country and ignored the countries that we know housed terrorist.

After 9/11 a letter was sent to muslim's all around the world telling them it was their duty to kill Americans and Isrealis-Christians and Jews.Whether we want to be allied with Isreal or not was not left up to us, the terrorist had already made that decision for us.

Two things that I have never understood was America's hesitancy to help the Jews and why any country would want to fight with them.History shows they always win.They are one of the oldest surviving societies.


Veteran Expediter
Perfect example of the victors writing history. This is a war on terror. The Israelis are at war with Hezbollah. Yet, when the enemy captures Israeli soldiers, they are "kidnapped". Is it just me, or does that word equate a crime has been committed? Funny... but when a soldier is captured from the opposing side, they're called prisoners. Not that I'm for Hezbollah or any terrorist organization, but our media, AND our government (along with the Israeli government) try to portray the enemy as something other than a force opposing our two countries. Granted, I want our side to win, but I'm no fool.


Expert Expediter
Well we now know where Mel Gibson stands on the crisis.

The report says Gibson then launched into a barrage of anti-Semitic statements: "F*****g Jews... The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world." Gibson then asked the deputy, "Are you a Jew?"


Veteran Expediter
Gibson's view is very popular. I'm not big on conspiracies, but in a world that'll put you in jail if you don't believe the holocause exists, it makes me think some powerful ppl want us to think like them. Unfortunately, the truth, whatever it is, is covered by so much bs (by both the conspriacy weirdos and those in power), we'll never know what's real or not.

Guess we'd better tune into Survivor, cause that's as close to reality we want to get as a society. :(


Veteran Expediter
Well in a way you can say regaurdless what the truth may be with most of the information coming out of that area, there are people who want to kill you and I - no exceptions, they want all of us dead. The fact that you have a population who sides with terrorist and because of this they deserve anything that they get. The media sides with the terrorist, as they always have and they make it look like Israel is the aggresor.

As harsh as this all sounds, I don't want any of this to come here at any expense and it is far better to let things progress as they have had for over 1100 years in that area than to get involved.

Like I said, no cease fire, no negotiate peace, no involvement by the US, EU and especialy the UN - let Israel do the work that is needed to destroy that part of terrorism.

The history of the area speaks for itself, very violent history. This did not start with Israel, or even with colonization of the area but the split within Islam and the violent conquest of countries by Muslims for the first 500 or so years.


Seasoned Expediter
True words. You don't even have to say the holocaust didn't happen, you just have to say that it didn't happen the way the official story goes and you can, and will, end up in the slammer in many countries. Even if you can prove what you say is true, truth is no defense in their courts.

When I am overseas I am very careful with what I say. I have firsthand knowledge of what will happen to you without the protection of the first ammendment.



Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I just finished watching Meet The Press with Tim Russert.
His Guest the UN representative from Israel was very informative and made some good points. The UN representative from Lebanon was very informative also in supporting the Arab radical view that Israel should not exist. Tim gave him chances to distant himself from this radical point but he didn't. I wonder how you can negotiate with someone that believes you should not even be there.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Army
I've spent a couple days in the Middle East, actually I spent a couple centurys in the Middle East during a couple years. And, I'd like everyone to understand the Muslims in that area are very SSSLLLLOOOOOOOWWWW learners. Case and point, Israel even dropped leafletts to let them know there were some bad things going to happen. Guess what? As of the last news I read the world has forced
them to cease fire, and investigate why there were so many civilians killed. Dunno!