I Need Your Prayers for My Wife


Veteran Expediter
Wednesday my wife had to go in for an ultrasound. The doctor found something that leads her to believe that it will be "highly unlikely" that we ever have kids. They also found a growth. She has to go Tuesday to get blood work done to find out if it's cancer. The doctor said if it's not cancer they will leave it alone, but if it is they will have to remove it. She also said while they are removing it they could correct the other problem. I'm more worked up about it than my wife is.

Also my wife's father is back in hospital. Last week they went to start his chemo. Before they gave him chemo they gave him some medicine that starts with a p and it caused his chest to start hurting and his blood pressure to drop down to 72/50. The doc at the cancer center had him sent by ambulance to the hospital. He spent a couple days in ICU and now he is in a regular room.He has pnemonia again. So his chemo has been postponed for the third time. I just hope the cancer isn't spreading while we are having to wait. I deeply appreciate any thoughts and prayers you can send out during our time of need. Thank you.


Retired Expediter
Ark..you sure are having to bear a heck of a load this year...Best of luck to your wife and father-in-law!


Expert Expediter
Ark, Sorry to hear you have so much going on in your life. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.


Veteran Expediter
God Bless you and Your wife and Family Let and Angel be with you all to take care of you and your Loved ones and any illness be gone.
God Bless Ya AKjar
No Chains Allowed
Ridge Runner:)


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Good luck with everything. You suddenly have a lot of "opportunities" dumped on you here and will assuredly feel quite challenged. Look past the "opportunities" to life once they're overcome and let that be your goal and focus.


Seasoned Expediter
I should seek the blessing of good health and to God help your wife. All the best and stay strong .


Veteran Expediter
Arkjar, here's one for you, especially:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I hope your loved ones have good news soon.


Expert Expediter
Best wishes to your entire family on getting through these rough days. It affects each member of your family on both sides. There are many people that feel so helpless in this situation when actually, a kind word goes a long way.
We have never met, but please know that even a stranger has you and your's in their thoughts and prayers.
BRAVO for your wife that she is not letting the unknown upset her into insanity. There will be plenty of time for worry after you know for sure what you are dealing with. GOOD LUCK with both situations.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
we will add ya to our list of prayers
take care


Expert Expediter
Everyone of you are in my prayers,,tonight will a prayer for you, your wife and her dad.
Remember the FATHER has the last decision and he always knows what to do.

My prayers and blessings are with you



Veteran Expediter
Ark hyou and your family are in our prayers. As a woman who has gone through losing 2 children before birth I know how it feels. Please let your wife know that I'm here if she needs a friend. Prayers for your father in law as well. God gives us only what he knows we can handle.
