I think others should know that I'm there on a board, but they shouldn't know what my truck number is. Same as now when you look online you see trucks, but not numbers. Having the truck numbers show up for everyone is potentially problematic. The carrier being able to track your truck number is something you agreed to in your lease contract, but having other independent contractors being able to track your movements is an invasion of privacy and would open the carrier up all kinds of liability.
in is fine, but the default should certainly be
out. Who would/could make the opt decision? Owners, drivers?
For example, we all know that Pelicn is severely mentally unstable and, possibly, dangerous. If I say something online for which she gets mad at me, she would be able to track my movements, and plan a premeditated attack to let the air out of my tires while I'm nekkid in the van and sleeping. When I wake up, I would have no idea that it was a fly-by air letting by her except for the tell-tale sign of fishy-smelling pelican droppings contained in her discarded designer pelican briefs next to each deflated tire (which has happened on numerous occasions already and it's getting embarrassing).
What I would like for you to bring up at the meeting is, every time a dispatcher enters something onto the driver screen that affects our status, it should automatically be sent via the QC, as well. For example, when a dispatcher enters "Driver refused load" then we would know about it without having to get online and see that we were just wrongly hit with a refusal for a reduced rate load because of incompetence or vindictiveness. Same with them changing our status from Available-Sleeping to Available, from Available to Out-of-Service, anything that affects our status, availability, or acceptance rate. Whatever a dispatcher can enter on that screen that we see online should also be sent via the QC.
For that matter, any and all notes entered into a PRO by dispatch should be available to us online if we should want to see it. That way we can see just how much crap gets invented by dispatchers about us while on a PRO, uhm, I mean, that way we can catch any errors or misunderstandings that may be entered into the PRO.
Disclaimer: The above dive-bombing bird example is a satirical hypothetical example, and should not be be construed in any way to be the truth. You know I love ya, Pelicn.