I drove the van a couple of hundred miles yesterday, and today I'll go a couple hundred more. One of my final challenges is going to be figuring out if everything is 'synced' correctly. Like I said I don't have anyone I can just bring and ask them to double check that everything is as it should be. So here is what I know: 1, the gas mileage is so far similar to what it was. 2, there is that same diesel smell. 3, the power (torque? less drag) is still there, and I have always found this most obvious when I let off the accelerator pedal and it rolls with less resistance. 4, However, the whistle of the turbos isn't nearly as loud as it used to be. Any ideas about what I can have checked (by someone eventually) in this regard? Is it worth worrying about?
About the shop, I think they were very good to me, and I want to respect their caution about tuned vehicles (Like I said earlier they did not know that mine was tuned until it was too late). I gave them the info to find this thread and I'm leaving it up to them whether they want to put their name up here. They did say it was all right to mention that they use OE tools, that they have a technician who has 20 or more years of experience with European vehicles, and that they service Sprinter fleets. They are east of the Kansas City area. The engine was completely new (full?) And it seemed reasonably priced at just under 14,000 after everything.