I need a crash course in logs....


Expert Expediter
My father kinda showed me how to log years ago (I didn't catch on). Im driving a sprinter but going into a straight truck. Anyone know any good videos on youtube I can watch to relearn this stuff?

Just a question or two....

When I leave the vehicle, such as...going into walmart, do I go off-duty?

ok, that's all I can think of right now. Im sure yall will school me quickly...and they truck is equipped with elogs.


Expert Expediter
Also need suggestions on what food I should buy. I know since I wont have the freedom I have now, I will need to adjust to what and where I eat.


Veteran Expediter
Buy a logbook at any truckstop, directions are printed on them for HOS. Not sure if they include the latest mandated 30 min break after 8 hrs drive time, [which needs flagged on a paper log, because they might not know why you took a 30 minute break, right?] but it should be included on the elog program.
Food is tough, depending on your preferences, ability to cook, actual facilities, etc. Try for fast food, [stuff you can microwave in a hurry], and try to balance nutrition with time & money spent. It's always a juggling act, though. One thing that works for me is to keep a gallon size bag of GORP [an acronym for good old raisins & peanuts: the original trail mix] on hand, and a small plastic jar of it always within reach when driving, in case there's no time to make what I have in the fridge/freezer. GORP is way beyond raisins & peanuts these days, lol. I start with Cheerios, add sesame oat bran sticks, dried fruit [dates, cranberries, whatever], dried snap peas & lentil crisps, roasted peanuts, almonds, pecans, walnuts, whatever I find at a decent price, and then sprinkle some flax seed in [it sticks to the sticky bits]. It's always different, and always good. It keeps me from stopping for the other 'fast food' when I get hungry. [I tried fresh fruit, but was usually disappointed, even if it's ripe when I'm ready to eat it, which happens rarely, lol.] GORP doesn't need refrigeration or cooking, or utensils - it's ideal for what we do.