Today is the second driver O/O T/T we have talked to in the last 3 day's who have no operating or personal money and are conplaing about not getting a settlement for 3 wks. They even needed to have there comdata card loaded with fuel money before they could take a run. Is expediting a last ditch effort to make a living as a O/O. Because the rate per mile is so much better than anyone else. But yet they don't understand the business and that it is not at all like truck load, that you may end up waiting a day or more to get a load. Then they set and about the company. Do they just not research and find out what it takes to do this business. I know for most of you on this forum I'm talking to the Choir. But it seems that there are more and more of this type of O/O. I know as a team and all the money coming into 1 household we do pretty good. What about single drivers how do you do. I would think it would be real rough. When we bought our first truck 18yrs ago now we knew what our fixed cost of operation would be we put 10% above that for repairs and had an extra 10,000 in the bank for oops didn't think of that stuff. We also knew what are household expenses were and what income we had to make. It has not always been easy but at no time have we ever had to use someone elses money to operate. I'm not tring to belittle anyone, or to attack anyone but I still just don't get it. Know your cost of operation and know how much you need to make per mile and how many miles you need to run. In the good months save for the bad months and say a prayer everday for everthing else.