I Am In Shape


Veteran Expediter
I am in the best physical health of my life. I am 5-11 245 pounds and I feel like I can run in a marathon. I get regular exercise each and every day. I get up, walk to the drivers seat of my cargo van, flex my muscle as I insert the key into the ignition switch and turn the engine on. I then drive my cargo van 100 feet across the parking lot till I get right in front of the door that leads to the buffet. I then step down to the floor "this is a stair climber" I do this about 5 times a day, slam the door, walk into the restroom "this is cardio exercise "I do this a few times a day, go the the bathroom and then run towards the buffet. All the while women are grabbing their kids trying to protect them from being crushed as I frantically make my way towards the freshly fried half-burned J chicken! I can eat so much food that I single handedly ended the "all you can eat buffet to go" at the Flying J in Perrysburg Ohio.

Once I get to the buffet I weight lift a couple of 10 pound plates with brown gravy dripping down the sides, do a leg squat to get into the booth "provided my stomach clears" and then begin to do curl exercises where I bring the spoon from the bottom of the plate all the way up to my rather large mouth. I may repeat this exercise quite a few times while working out my buccinator muscles through the tedious process of masticating my food. Ohh it's a big workout for me! It is so physically demanding that I immediately tip the waitress, return to the restroom to flex my bladder, and then head right to the sleeper for a nice long afternoon nap.

Hell, you won't see me hiding in my truck when you are running around the parking lot exercising IRT! All you have to do is look into the restaurant window and watch me watching you while I scarf down ungodly amounts of food. Oh yeah; I always eat my moneys worth! When you get done running around in circles and dodging the falling light poles that are being clipped and knocked down by angry swift drivers who are trying to back up in the parking lot...you can simply come over to my table and i'll offer you a nice cold glass of soda or iced tea; it's your choice. My philosophy is to enjoy yourself while you can, because life is definitely too short to miss out on a good old daily stomach-stretching at the Flying J buffet. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger and no Flying J buffet has put a hurtin on my stomach yet.
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Veteran Expediter
Hey don't forget about all the burning of calories and sheer energy your body must expend in just digesting all that food!


Not a Member
I eat whatever I want to eat, and the only exercise I do besides the occasional walk is the old age exercise called the push aways. When I feel I had enough, I push away from the table. Hard to do at times.


Seasoned Expediter
LOL Blizz,
I to have become a "restaurant conisseur",stopping at every good restaurant I can find to sample their best dishes.The way I see it is if I gatta suffer in the back of a freezing/hot box,I need to reward myself.:cool:


Veteran Expediter
<<<<<<Actually went on a real Bicycle ride yesterday. Almost 3 miles:)

All I know is last time I tried to walk/run/ride three miles on anything that wasn't powered by a diesel engine, the ambulance had to come and scrape my lifeless carcass up off the ground and feed me an hours worth of oxygen. Why would I ride a bike when I can simply drive my cargo van down the bike path? I mean, all I have to do is honk my horn so that the cyclists move out of my way!! I get to take in all the nice scenery without all the unnecessary burning and aching that comes along with walking/running/or cycling.

Also, what would you do if you got a load offer and you were actually three miles from your van? Imagine if you had runners cramp and couldn't get back to the Qualcomm within the fifteen minute window to accept the load? I once took my van down into the bike path in Los Angeles/Long Beach and got a load offer and had to run the van right up the riverbank just to get to a service gate so that I could get onto the 710 freeway. It was cool; people actually thought they were filming Terminator 4 that day!!
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Expert Expediter
Lol....True...I wouldn't know what to do if I would have got the cramps....guess I could have waited for you to drive down the bike path....lol


Veteran Expediter
Hey all I can say is the worse shape your in the more invatation it is for somthing bad to happen to you.

I suggest you rethink what u have just said here.

Logging Hours for driving. Why because the miss use of drugs by Drivers running single poping little white pills and then getting into recks because they fell asleep at the Wheel.

Dot Physicals? Why to make sure we physicaly Capable of driving a Truck.

Why all the HUBA HUBA HUBA about Loging Hours, Physicals,
Why in the near future will only certain Docs only be able to do our DOT Physicals??? Why?? and Why will the Police soon have full access to our Medical Historys ect?? Why???

The answer is perfectly clear.
The Gov't wants Physicaly fit Drivers on the Roads.

Just like the Service want's Physicaly fit people.

No argument here U-do what U want.

Now far as the Buffet goes if you re-read what I said SLOWLY, I Said I wouldn't eat EVERYDAY at the ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET. The reason I think U know.

1. My attitude on Physical Fittness and to go along with
that, paying the bills on the home front.
Both them reasons are more than good enough for me.


Seasoned Expediter
To each thier own, we are not to judge one another.

We can not all keep looking like a 20 year old, however, just as with out trucks, we can use a little common sense called preventive maintenance.
Just because the truck seems to run ok (on the outside) without an oil change after 14,000 miles, doesn't mean we keep going. Sooner or later the inevitable will happen, BREAKDOWN.

A daily diet of "the buffet" and no excersise will catch up with us as well.

As for being in perfect health and not needing to worry about the grimm reaper, think again.
I'm sure we all have read about those who were in that so called perfect health and fell victim to the dreaded heart attack.
"even marathon runners"

No need to pump iron, run everynight, eat only what is good for you, etc. Just use a little common sense (preventive maintanance) and do things with moderation.
