Nobody forced them(the contractors complaining about cheap freight) to be independent contractors instead of direct employees for a company.
Perhaps some would choose to be employees, if it were an option, but it's the carriers who write the contracts, and they choose to use independent contractors. Who have every right to complain about the return on their investment, if/when they have reason to believe the return on their investment could/should be greater. [It's the American Way.] 
Yep, it is funny how that "nobody forced you" argument works both ways...
The point is that it doesn't - it's used solely to dismiss, rather than address, the complaints of individuals. It does nothing to further understanding of the problems and/or solutions - it's just a condescending dismissal that furthers nothing but resentment from those so casually dismissed.
It's a classic putdown in lieu of a thoughtful response.
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Missie, let me splain something to ya. There truly are some Companys out there that [attempt] to make everyone's life easier, and, mo bettah. However the "nature of the beast" won't allow that to happen. Tis the don't wannas, can'ts, wouldn'ts, and a mirade of other reasons that preclude any kind of coop. I attempted to give thirty something, of what I considered "deserving" contractors and drivers the opportunity to dispatch themselves. negotiate their own rates, etc. over the years. To the didn't work. As an example, I had one fella that, steada dead heading across a small town in Lousianna and take a load 1600 miles to the Big Apple at a good rate, he wanted to DH 150 miles to take a load to Oklahoma for a little better rate.......and end up in Oklahoma, steada NY, cause he didn't wanna. I could tell you numerous, similar. Problem is.....the ****ers and moaners that actually get a chance, in my experience usually dik it up in very short order. Seems like folks are not, and never intend to be students of their occupation. Tis a shame. For numerous reasons such as lack of interest, motivation,application, energy, etc., are the reasons contractors and drivers are kept on the short leashes they are on. Ya jes can't fix stupid whining on a forum. But, look at Lawrence.......he didn't like his rates or a look what he is doing......something he enjoys and smoking big cigars. Ain't no already roasted turkeys.