How's business?


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I've been at home since mid-December(had some surgery 12/19)so I've been "out of the loop". I hope to be back in service by this
Friday, 12/23. Thought I would ask how you good folks have done since the
first of the year? Historically, Jan. can be a "slow" month, but being a perrenial optimist, I am hopeful that this year will be dif-
ferent. I look forward to reading your replies.

Lady Expediter

Expert Expediter

Well I have been out running in a tractor, for FECC, as a team and we have been back to back out there :) which yes for, Jan. is great!

Hope you are doing well.
Hope this helps you.
Have a great 2004!


Retired Expediter
Jan. so far has been a great month here *crossing fingers*...Last Friday we ran out of all truck categories, They even called in the dedicated van drivers to help out!
If this keeps up a new van is real possible for NEXT year my Dodge keeps running great and never lets me down, It runs so good I am going to run it till it drops or I do..*lol* which ever comes first!