How was business for you in 2010


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I do not doubt the validity of this statement - it is repeated often here - but what is the REASON for this?

I ask because I, of course, do not have a lot of reserve

It costs a LOT to live on the road. You WILL have bad days, weeks months or even years, you have to be able to live through those times. If you come in too light and hit a bad patch right away you will be in trouble.


Veteran Expediter
To first answer Dave's question - it is better than last year but not as good as what a lot of you guys seen. I again took a different approach and did a lot lot more than drive my truck.

Second the cash reserve is to pay the bills when it gets really slow and including what Layout said. A lot of people make a big deal when they can't get a hotel room or hot food at their favorite dive and we even had one member present a sad case of an expediter who was living on $10 a day all the while working for the best carrier in the universe (by the by the $10 a day thing is more common among a lot of us). The other thing is when you have a break down, you priced tires lately or even had road service?


Veteran Expediter
This is my 3rd yr in the business. The 12t yr wa really a half yr at 6 months..i did ok..the 2nd yr I di what I thought was good..this yr was excellent in that I will make approx $18,000 more then last yr....and gross close to $78,000 in a CV and that is with taking 4 weeks off and being home more days during the week then in the past....


Veteran Expediter
Originally Posted by layoutshooter

One thing you NEVER want to do is come into this without enough cash reserves

Bluto wrote:

I do not doubt the validity of this statement - it is repeated often here - but what is the REASON for this?

I ask because I, of course, do not have a lot of reserve

The reasons Layout and greg wrote about are real reasons way you need a reserve. Without a good reserve, you are just 2-3 bad weeks in a row of being out of buiness. Then there is a Accident..and none of us are beyond getting into a wreck. Read the link below. When you are done, ask yourself what would happen if this happened to you...could you deal with it without losing everything you own!?!?


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Firestone is better then a good year...

I don't know about that. We get a set of Firestone steer tires that didn't even last 6 months.

As for our Goal for the year we hit it at 9 am this morning. Thank you Panther for our 1st year that we grossed a Million dollars. Going to shoot for Two next year with 10 trucks now.


Not a Member
Firestone uses a softer compound rubber than Goodyear.I never ran Firestone steers, but have Goodyear, which seemed too hard for the rain and snow, didnt grip all that well.I prefer continental steers, 14 ply hsl. Okay, sorry, dint mean to hijack the thread.Carry on.

In 1995,My first week with Panther as an O/O with a new int'l s/t, did over $4,300 for the week.That was when pay was $1.35 a mile,and fuel was real Cheeeep! I still carry that settlement sheet with me.The look on some drivers faces is


Seasoned Expediter
ok ill lay it down like this.I ran 9 months in 07 into 08.and just got out alive,no i didnt own the van,but i sat i know this 3 months as a owner was way better than those 9 months.ive got money in the bank and dont have to worry where the next meal will come from for my family! and i can afford to take 3 weeks off,life is great!and i only see it getting better.hope you all have a great new year and a merry christmas:D


Seasoned Expediter
'10 was better than '09 for me. July and February were bad months, so it could have been better. I'm hoping '11 will be at least as good or better.

DOD loads made '10 the best in the last four. If the warr'ing
continues, '11 should kick some major behind. Spending plenty
time in the sun and have yet to have driven in ice or snow


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
I don't know about that. We get a set of Firestone steer tires that didn't even last 6 months.

As for our Goal for the year we hit it at 9 am this morning. Thank you Panther for our 1st year that we grossed a Million dollars. Going to shoot for Two next year with 10 trucks now.

Don't forget my bonus check before Christmas.:D


Veteran Expediter
New to viewing & posting here, trying to read everything that has been posted, following new posts, etc.

I am on the verge of going O/O Cargo Van here in the northeast.

Posts in this thread threw me for a complete loop - here's why;

Every other thread seems to point out that, over the past decade, costs are up, revenue is down, terrible time to go into this business, no money to be made, etc. Then everyone in this thread has said it is the best year they have ever had.

Which is it?

Or, can I be paranoid for a second? Are the oldtimers just telling the newbies to stay out to protect the runs?

O.K. Let me tell you this....What I said about this being my best year yet, did not brag of how much money I made. What I made may not be enough for you. All of us have our own personal goals. For example, I am doing this to supplement my pension. I would have to work alot harder if I was trying to support a family from this. You have to read between the lines. Some here are supporting families and doing a decent job. So it can be done. But, I know that one reason I made more last year is because of the info I read right here. I don't agree with every thing that is said here, but there are some shrewed business people on here. I have learned from their mistakes, their experiences that they share. I really like to read about the way they cut cost. Hold down their overhead. That is what makes or breaks you. No where on the internet, can you find as much knowledge about expediting than right here. I am not plugging EO, but this is just fact. Like it or not. it is the best source we have. I am in my 6th year of this and still finding ways to cut expenses. I feel that is because of what all these others have posted here.

What they tell you about a nest egg or reserve is an absolute truth. If you try this as an O/O without one, only luck will get you through. A wrecker bill is nothing when it comes to a breakdown. And chances are, you won't break down in your hometown. No egg, your out. Simple as that.

Just know that we know what it is that you are fixing to know. It costs to run out here. Some make more than others out here. We all have needs and try to support them by expediting. So, keep reading and know what it is you want out of this. Good Luck to you! Keep in mind the very first day, some of the things you read here. Implement them from the beginning and make your first year as good as possible. And keep reading!

The "ole timers" could care less if you come in or not. Newbies come in and broke newbies go out every week. I assure you, this is not for everyone. Not all of us could be doctors, lawyers and such either as the old song goes.


Veteran Expediter
Dave,pm me your account number and I'll give you a real christmas present to think about,all kidding aside,Have a happy holiday thats to you and your familly, and everyone that is reading this post


Veteran Expediter
In my 26 years in expediting,this has been my best 4th quarter,even though Dec.hasn't been that great.$62000 for just 12 weeks worked.The year did go really well also.First quarter was with FDCC,10 weeks $44000,last three quarters with Tri-State Expedited Services,little over $160000 for 32 weeks.Best thing that ever happened to me was my hitting that deer,and loosing my contract with Custom Critical.
Happy holidays to all,and hope all your dreams come true in 2011


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
I hope everyone as well has a great Christmas. Quite a bit for many to feel fortunate about this year. Especially in a turbulent economy where many aren't doing so well.


Expert Expediter
Well, 2010 was a loooooot better than 2009. In 2009 I was in service all the time, did not take time off for anything. This year I have taken off so much time, 2 weeks for Haiti relief mission, a few weeks for my wedding, 2 weeks for the honeymoon, one month off vacation, 2 weeks to get my van fixed after someone backed into me, 2 weeks to get my van fixed one more time. And I still made more money this year than last. However, it died again for me in december, so hopefully 2011 will be just as good as 2010 up to december, so I can really put some money together.

I need to clarify something here. Even though I made more money this year than last, working less, it is still far from my best year. Best year was before FedEx screwd with our fuel surcharge.....and the flat rate....
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