How was business for you in 2010


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Being in this business since 1995 this was our best year ever. Being with Panther for the last 28 months it was a great business move. Our fleet has grown from 1 C-unit and 3 D-units to 1 C-unit, 7 D-units and 2 E-units. Our carrier wants us to grow and add more E-units which we plan to do. We set a goal which was really high this year with Panther Expedited Services. As of today we are only $3543.70 away from hitting that goal. We still have almost to weeks to hit it, but I think it will happen by Tuesday morning.

I hope everyone is keeping busy and you keep your wheels on the ground running safe. I think 2011 is going to be a better year than 2010.
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Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
We were pretty pleased with how the year turned out as well.


Veteran Expediter
Hands down, this has been the best year of expediting. This despite having taken approximately six weeks off over the course of the year.


Not a Member
Spending most of the 2010 year with ASE,it was excellent.The 2011 year is in Load One's hands.So far, I am overwhelmed with the pay being as excellent as it is.I haven't went out of service since orientation,so we'll see how it turns out.


Veteran Expediter
After changing carriers in 2010, I was surprised I did as well as I did.The 4th quarter was the best 4th quarter I've ever had in the 26 years I've been in expediting,$60000 +,and even though there are 2 more weeks in 2010,one of the weeks pays in 2011.
I want to wish everyone a happy holiday,and hope all your wishes come true in the new year.


Veteran Expediter
Mostly brutal w/ the occasional good week the first 9 months, good these last 2 months. Dec has been decent so far. On a sorta related note I was doing some year end cleaning here & found some old checks from the mid 2000's. I didn't have every one of them, just some assorted ones. Checks of $2530, $2771, $2423, etc. I also found some from 2009, checks of $167, $186, $284, etc.

In fairness to the 2009 numbers, I tried a few companies & was told frequently that moving would be a good idea. The main reason this recent company is better is because they have a contract w/ a place about 5 miles from my house & I get a lot of runs out of there.

As bad as 2009 & 2010 was (except these last 2 months) I'm pretty optimistic about the future. I've never lived high on the hog. I won't make quite the $ I did in the mid 2000's, but I'm home almost every night. So my expenses are a lot less & my enjoyment of life a lot more since my sitting/waiting consists of things that go w/ the comforts of home rather than being in a van.

One other lil thing I like & adds to the optimism. In a sense even at home there's no waiting, or at least a lot less. Quite often the call for a run is my wake up call. A lot of other times an early AM run is pre-dispatched the night before. When ya factor in those 2 things, the waiting around time is very little. I'm mostly local, so even on say 3 hours sleep I can do a 100 mile run or whatever very easily. Then at the end of that run I go back to sleep in my van & they wake me up again w/ another run back. It often works out pretty well.


Expert Expediter
Been a ok year nothing to meation . I admit I made a couple mistakes I. Only been expediting a little over a year now so nothing really to compare from previous years . My fleet owner hasnt fired me yet so im doing good somewhere some how:)

In 2011 thinking hard of changing my game plan on how I do things and where I sit. I wanna go van o/o sometime next year and see if that will help revenue some . The 60/40 doesnt leave much money in my pocket after fuel.

But congrats to the folks out there that did good this year and hope 2011 is even better !


Veteran Expediter
My best year yet, but spent a ton on my truck this year. I am very pleased with my game plan and won't change anything starting out this next year. I am so thankful to be an O/O and do it my way, most of the time. Makes it alot more satisfying.

Happy Holidays to all of you!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
We have not finished our books out but I believe that this was our best year since we went into business despite all the "stuff" that happened. Our gross was up, all rates were up and our net was up.


Expert Expediter
I completed my first year in expediting in November and despite some mistakes and/or bad choices I think I did ok and I am now in the process of buying the Sprinter that I am driving from the owner I hope next year will be a better year for everyone


Veteran Expediter
US Army
We did well this year.
It was our first as O/O's and we spent a lot of money getting the truck into the condition that we are now happy with. Had some "stuff" happen this year that cut into our revenue. Like a hit and run in Arizona.
We are very optimistic that 2011 will be a great year.


Expert Expediter
I ain't's the gross #'s

2007 107k
2008 80k
2009 55k
2010 70k and switched to Van in April from straight truck

So overall a good year..Lots of variables in these numbers, I take more time off as years progress and almost gave up on business in 2009..(that WAS a bad year)

Still love the Job, the freedom it gives and the people I meet. One day I'll fall in love again and screw it all up!!

Hope your year was a good one and next year a better one!!


Seasoned Expediter
New to viewing & posting here, trying to read everything that has been posted, following new posts, etc.

I am on the verge of going O/O Cargo Van here in the northeast.

Posts in this thread threw me for a complete loop - here's why;

Every other thread seems to point out that, over the past decade, costs are up, revenue is down, terrible time to go into this business, no money to be made, etc. Then everyone in this thread has said it is the best year they have ever had.

Which is it?

Or, can I be paranoid for a second? Are the oldtimers just telling the newbies to stay out to protect the runs?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
New to viewing & posting here, trying to read everything that has been posted, following new posts, etc.

I am on the verge of going O/O Cargo Van here in the northeast.

Posts in this thread threw me for a complete loop - here's why;

Every other thread seems to point out that, over the past decade, costs are up, revenue is down, terrible time to go into this business, no money to be made, etc. Then everyone in this thread has said it is the best year they have ever had.

Which is it?

Or, can I be paranoid for a second? Are the oldtimers just telling the newbies to stay out to protect the runs?

LOL Welcome to the forums. No, most old timers are not telling you to stay out to protect their runs. Things have changed drastically since this form of trucking started. You will see different ideas on what is a "good" year or "bad" year depending on who writes it, how long they have been in business etc.

Just keep in mind that everyone sees this through their own eyes.

Talk with other cargo van/sprinter people, both those who do well AND those who don't. You need to understand the why's and how's of both. THEN make your decision.

One thing you NEVER want to do is come into this without enough cash reserves.


Veteran Expediter
Great advice, LOS.
It was a very good year for me, too: I have both a fleet owner and a carrier I'm happy with, and once again, I haven't had to hock my diamonds. :D
Just about to pick up a rental car & take a week off to spend the holidays with family, so if I don't talk to y'all till next year, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a safe & prosperous new year. :)


Expert Expediter
Well, 2010 was a loooooot better than 2009. In 2009 I was in service all the time, did not take time off for anything. This year I have taken off so much time, 2 weeks for Haiti relief mission, a few weeks for my wedding, 2 weeks for the honeymoon, one month off vacation, 2 weeks to get my van fixed after someone backed into me, 2 weeks to get my van fixed one more time. And I still made more money this year than last. However, it died again for me in december, so hopefully 2011 will be just as good as 2010 up to december, so I can really put some money together.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
'10 was better than '09 for me. July and February were bad months, so it could have been better. I'm hoping '11 will be at least as good or better.