Let me preface my comments by saying that I believe you are both right (in your own ways) - the trick of the matter might be in seeing
how that is so.
I don't think so - in fact, I know for a fact, not.
I saw some "citizen journalist" done video on YouTube where they taped a MSM TV video crew out at OWS, and the MSM TV reporter was deliberately focusing on that aspect (people that wanted others money, the whacky, etc.), picking out the more "radical" elements in the crowd, and willfully ignoring common everyday people who were actually trying to talk to her.
She (the MSM TV reporter) was getting verbally accosted by normally every day folks because these folks recognized exactly what it was that she was doing: operating off an agenda, not to report the
truth, but to portray things in a particular light, based on whatever her agenda was.
Have you ever heard or read the media accurately portray SS or any other entitlement as wealth redistribution?
LOL ..... depends on
what media you're referring to
Part of the reason why is that corporate-owned media is not against (all) wealth redistribution - since they themselves are benefitting from it (as a consequence of crony capitalism) probably in not so obvious ways, that aren't really thought much about.
That's quite intentionally and specifically what they go out of their way to NOT portray.
In a lot of cases it's certain true, and I think it's an absolutely valid point.
On the other hand, if one looks to some of the stuff on YouTube and the like, featuring people that have come out in support OWS, I see a lot of just normal, everyday people that don't necessarily want wealth distribution - just a fair opportunity to succeed on their own merits and efforts, in a system which is set up, often in some not so obvious ways, so as to effectively deny a level playing field. That (a level playing field) is how it is supposed to be - but in many ways it currently isn't.
That is not to say that there are not a significant amount of folks within the movement whose minds are muddled with wrong-headed ideology.
Education, in some cases, is needed no doubt. No, wait - that's actually wrong - education is needed in all cases.
Actually, it does, because when the system comes crashing down under its own weight, we're going to be fighting about how to reassemble society.
Well, hopefully we'll be able to avoid that little exercise, and avert disaster. There is a limited time to do so however. It will be a Herculean task, no doubt.
Leftists will argue that no one should have a gun, that all social programs should be re-instituted, and that nobody should be allowed to succeed because not everybody can.
You're likely right in that respect. However that's only half the story.
Now ask yourself what the Rightists will be arguing (and doing) - it doesn't take a whole lot of imagination to see what could occur (think Central America for starters) - things that would not be dissimilar to our current foreign policy in terms of "preemptive action" to ward off "threats"
Neither side can lay claim to being pure as the driven snow and sinless.
The whole "Left"/"Right" thing is a false ideological duality. The trick to attaining freedom and liberty, is not to engage in participating in a duality of false choice - because it is rarely the case that only two choices are available.
The NoLabels folks seemingly have recognized this - and it is very interesting that the core group (pics of faces and names on their website) contains a number former federal politicians who have recognized that the current politics (which are essentially ideologically-driven political bloodsport) being practiced in Washington on a national level are the functional equivalent Mutual Assured Destruction.
We's killin' ourselves - and why commit suicide when, with a self-reflection, personal honesty to oneself, and little effort to work with others - even if one may not agree with them on all matters - one can live ?
Reasonable people will argue for a meritocracy with private charity covering deserving hard luck cases. So ideological purity is important. Beliefs are important.
Certainly, they are - however one must seek to understand how both sides (left/right, conservative/liberal, etc.) are both right - and wrong at the same time.
I'm glad for every supporter of Dr. Paul, but the ideas of the left primarily brought down society,
The Left has no monopoly on bad ideas and on the use force by the State on the individual (all propaganda to contrary aside)
The Right engages in the very same thing, just simply in different ways.
Neither is totally right - nor are they totally wrong. It's inherently a false premise that one - or the other - is either. Solutions are to be found down a path that requires the removal of certain ideological blinders.
As but one example of that is the drug laws - just look at the fact of how many are incarcerated in prison for non-violent, victimless (save for self) drug crimes. Look at the disportionate numbers of minorities. Look at the sentence disparities between minorities and whites (crack vs. coke)
Aside from the fact of freedom, liberty, and being personally responsible for one's own actions dictating that it should be, and is an individual's right to consume whatever the heck he wants (as long as it does not directly harm others), ask yourself what is the net effect of placing non-violent "criminals" into close proximity with those who actually are hardened violent criminals for real ..... and then placing them back into society ?
If you want to manufacture real criminals you probably couldn't come up with a better system. It's literally insane - so why do it ?
I'm passionately anti-drug for very good personal reasons - nevertheless, if I am going to say I support freedom, liberty, individual rights, and personal responsibility, then how can I possibly be intellectually honest - and say that I support the right of an individual to consume alcohol .... but at the same time, they they ought to go to prison if they smoke dope ? or snort coke ? or shoot heroin ?
I can't.
I personally wouldn't use drugs even if they were legal, and I think that is probably the case for almost everyone that doesn't currently use them. The laws don't prevent people from doing drugs - their own self-interest does.
And aside from the above, there is also the matter of what the illegality, which itself drives up prices, does in terms of fostering criminality by of creating the
narco-trafficantes (drug dealers), .... and the real "drug wars" that they spawn.
Drugs being illegal only make it more lucrative for people to be involved in trafficking. Big economic incentives drives the violence.
and those ideas must be uprooted and salt sown into the earth where they once grew. To not do so will be to rebuild the system responsible for our downfall.
I think that that's true as far as it goes - but I think that when doing the inventory for ideas to be uprooted, one has to consider all ideas - regardless of where they reside on the political spectrum, or how people choose to categorize or portray them in the political.
It will take a lot intellectual honesty -
and perhaps slaying a sacred cow or two.
And getting beyond the idea that "I am right" and "they are wrong"