Things would have turned out alot worse for the South had Lincoln not been assainted. Then his VP took over and didn't want to be so hard on the South and he got impeached. If you ask me old honest Abe got what he had coming. He was a tyrant. So were Gens. Grant and Sherman for that matter. Union soliders come into homes and stole wht little food people had left. They didn't care that people had children. This is stuff you don't read about in history books. Growing up there was an older man that lived across the street. His Grandfather fought for the South during the Civil War. He told me how Union soldiers came into his father's childhood home and demanded food. They took every bit the family had. The next night different soliders came demanding food. When the lady of the home told them Union soliders took it all the night before they decided to torture her by sticking sewing needles under her fingernails and toe nail while asking where she had the food hidden. What Abe Lincoln did was unconstitutional. I forget where my college history teacher says it is but somewhere it says that a state can secced from the Union, but an area inside of a state cannot. So basicly a county can't leave the Union on it's own.
Actually my friend you are quite correct it is in the outdated useless, document we call the constitution of the USA...We don't need to follow it any more..It says here is in this book we follow are leaders in this book.......OOK But it does have that when I get home I can find the exact wording for it..
Lincoln was probably the worst Tyrant in history. When we read about Shermans march to sea then on up to Columbia to teach South Carolina a lesson it is amazing people don't question why were they not held for war crimes? Let alone why is Lincoln Worshipped so much. Cruel, horrible, dispicable things that were done to fellow americans...
Not evey one could afford a slave..Maybe 10 percent. Read the slave logs and you will see 15 year old field hand good health etc...Bid starts at 1300 dollars in 1850. In todays money that would be about 32,000, Ones that were skilled (carpenter,builders, metalcraft were considerably more.
A poor farmer, shopkeeper etc really would not have that much to invest let alone feed. Read further you will see freed slaves had owned them being traders themselves..Even our friends in the book did. Somehow we seem to beleave it was only cruel horible whites. Slavery is a horrible thing.
I still believe millions were not needed to get killed to stop it though...