How not to get your company advertised


Expert Expediter
This isn't expediting related but it was so funny I thought I would share.

I was watching MSNBC last night and they had on "To catch a predator". If you haven't seen the show before they have undercover cops pose as a 13 year old girl online and get guys to come meet her. Well one guy pulls up in a semi goes inside to meet her and once confronted he admited he was there to have sex with the girl. He goes outside and gets arrested - then they show his truck "Covenant Transport" right in plain sight, then they find drugs in his cab. That has to be some great exposure for Covenant, have a driver getting arrested for sex with a minor and drugs on national tv.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
It has to be a majpr embarrasment for Covenant as they are a strong Christian based company.


Veteran Expediter
XM was reading headlines from all of the Texas Newspapers. They have a hatred for truckers.

Headlines were something like this. In X amount of accidents drivers had rapp sheets that included etc... etc.. Than said something to effect that to be a truck driver meant you had to have a long history of arrests.

Funny thing is I thought to haul Hazmat our criminal history had to pretty clean. And as far as going into Canada are we even allowed to have even been accused of a crime?

So the news papers must be right, right?