Once you obtain your fuel tax sheet with the amounts of tax per gallon, you can then make an assessment of what your tax should be. On average with a straight truck, I would expect 50.00 to 100.00 per quarter. Could be alittle higher or a little lower depending on if you are watching. Just a few examples would be if your truck is 33,000 or less, there is no tax caculated in OH. Fuel is cheaper in IN, however there is a .10 cent surcharge after the fact that you are billed on your settlement. Tolls in NY are credited against fuel tax in NY. For trucks over 33,000 in OH, they are not. Fuel is more expensive initially in FL than GA. But in the long run, FL winds up being cheaper because of the tax structure. If for example you buy fuel in Jacksonville FL, the tax is .20 something, but you run most of the miles in GA. where it is .15, you will get the difference in credit to apply to another state. Have I confused you yet?