How many driver divers do we have


Veteran Expediter
There are a couple of threads about scuba diving and I wanted to start another one here. How many Panther drivers are divers? How many of you thought about trying scuba? I am here to tell you if you ever thought about it DO IT I drove by a local dive shop for 3 years before I stopped in and I can tell you I wish I had started 20 years sooner. It is so peaceful down there watching a giant sea turtle or a spotted eagle ray as it fly’s through the sea. Now there are some of you that fear sharks well most divers never encounter a shark in their life time. You have to go out of your way to see one most of the time which I love to do I am the kind of guy that will pay extra if they will chum the dive site while I am down. As the video clearly shows that is on my myspace - Ken - 47 - Male - - I am the one taking the video and you can see the dive cage is about 25 feet away from me. They are Galapagos sharks are in the 6 to 8 foot long range. They are fun to dive with because they bump and push you around trying to figure out what you are. If I can get a small group of drivers that want to try diving I would do a discover scuba class with them all we would need is a place with a pool and a dive shop for rental gear that is close by. The only cost would be for the gear rental.


Seasoned Expediter
Well Ken you know me and I am also a PADI Dive Master who also drives a truck for panther and here is the neat thing I am part owner of Dive Time in Clarksville, TN for any driver out there there is a CDL discount. I am with you about the sharks I love them, if you are scared there are two things you can do to over come that fear... One. Close your eyes and either the shark will be gone when you open them again or you won't open them again.. :) Two find a dive buddy that can not swim as fast as you... lol Seriously like Ken said if you ever even had the slightest thought of diving come by the shop and we can do a discover scuba no cost at all. it will give you a taste of diving in a controlled environment (i.e. a pool) we can go through some drills that will get you use to being underwater and still breathing. then we will head to the deep end if you want to. Also if we set this up when I am home You will have a place to spend the night and some good food.


Seasoned Expediter
I'm off the road but still an owner and love to dive. Both my wife and I have our c cards and have been diving for 6 + years. The recent economic mess has thrown a wrench into our schedule but we are both anxious to get back under the water. We are warm water divers and stay pretty much in the caribbean although one of my dreams is to swim with the giant Mantas in Yap !!!


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
I have a lake that you could dive in and the water is clear at times because I treat it in the spring and fall. Its only 3 miles from Panthers Home office. Anytime you want to dive or fish call let me know. The farmer next to me will even let you park on his lot with his trucks


Veteran Expediter
I have a lake that you could dive in and the water is clear at times because I treat it in the spring and fall. Its only 3 miles from Panthers Home office. Anytime you want to dive or fish call let me know. The farmer next to me will even let you park on his lot with his trucks

Way cool have you ever thought about diving? A small lake colse by could be used for a discover scuba class if there are some interested drivers.


Veteran Expediter
Saturnista come dive with us i woulld like to get firm numbers to set the dive non divers can board the boat for $35.00 if i remember correctly