How many are Pro-War?


Veteran Expediter
Greg and Turtle,

Who was behind Carter during his administration? This says it all. You cannot blame Bush for all the problems we have now just like you cannot blame Carter for the problems then. Congress has more blame in this than they do.

Let's be fair.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I agree completely. With the three branches of government and the checks and balances in place, there is only so much damage any one president can do. That's not to say a particular president can't do a lot of damage, because they can. They all make mistakes, some make more than others, and some of the consequences are more serious than others. Carter made some whopper mistakes, many of which we are still dealing with. Bush has made some doozies, too, and when looked at in the popular "OMG everything's a crisis" mentality, some of them are pretty bad. But history will look at them for what they are.


Veteran Expediter
Greg and Turtle,

Who was behind Carter during his administration? This says it all. You cannot blame Bush for all the problems we have now just like you cannot blame Carter for the problems then. Congress has more blame in this than they do.

Let's be fair.

Yes you are almost right. Carter had no real friends in Congress, being an outsider and on top of that fighting with Tip o'Neal on things he was vetoing. In the 1980 election, his party almost dumped him, almost.... it was teddy Kennedy who fought against him during the election - he would have been almost as bad as Carter.

I think you are failing to see what I am driving at, the president sets policy for the country, Carter unilaterally decided who we were going to support and who we were not. Unlike military action, i.e. Iraq, the congress does not really tell the president anything when it comes down to diplomatic or policy issues. The military action is something that happens by permission, balance of power within the fed.

The other thing to remember is that we didn't ask him to become a representative of the US on the world scene, he is doing that on his own. This means that he is unsanctioned to represent the people of the US, and undermines our right to representation. He has been very quick to criticize the US on human rights issues - which we have none when you come down to it- but fails to actually do some good in Africa and Asia where the help is needed.


Veteran Expediter
It really is hard to comment on this in an intelligent manner without the emotions or repeating the rhetoric of the authors.

The second link looks like what I read from the Germans in the 1920’s, same style of rhetoric and it really makes no righteous argument to support his point of view.


Veteran Expediter
It really is hard to comment on this in an intelligent manner without the emotions or repeating the rhetoric of the authors.

The second link looks like what I read from the Germans in the 1920’s, same style of rhetoric and it really makes no righteous argument to support his point of view.

Actually it is full of factual data. I found him to be very effective and persuasive. So the rhetoric fits the subject.


Veteran Expediter
I take it you did not bother reading the article. The whole article is full of facts.

Yes I read it and.....

I don't see facts, I see someone complaints and assumptions.

Let’s just get a few quotes;

“It was a horrible, shocking, unnerving experience. Reading some of the things Barack Obama’s pastor has said, I suddenly saw something with which I completely agree!! He said five days after 9/11: “We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye….” His point: Chickens were coming home to roost. I agree. We certainly committed terrorism and murder when we dropped two atomic bombs on open cities in Japan. And, as Ron Paul has said, correctly, re: 9/11: The terrorists were over here because, first, we were over there in their part of the world sticking our nose into fights none of our business. Finally, none other than God Himself tells us in Galatians 6:7: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
Ok first thing I read here is the lack of knowledge of the point.
1 – He agrees with someone who also has no clue

2 – He lacks the knowledge of 1934 to 1945. The attack of China, Korea and other countries that did not provoke Japan and their militaristic expansion

3 – as a Christian, he fails to follow the words of Jesus about protecting the innocent, which was one reason we invoked sanctions on Japan that led us to war. Japan’s harsh treatment of the Chinese and the killing of women and children is one of many issues. According to the author, to end this type of war by any means was unjustified and considered terrorism? I think he needs to know what, why and how of the real facts.

4 – we used two weapons that were effective and justified. We were at war with an enemy who would not stop until one man was convinced that it needed to end. This one man was isolated by his very existence and until the time we used these weapons, he would not back down until that country was destroyed. God was on our side then, he gave us these weapons to end a bloody war that killed millions. God is on our side now, read on.

5 – sticking our noses in where it don’t belong, well too bad. The problem has not been the US or the western world but the fundamentalist themselves. Ron Paul’s solution is to hide in a shell which is what they and a lot of other people want so they can do what they want in the world, well we could not hide in 1917, and can’t now. Either way the better solution is to strengthen countries to do this on their own but our foreign policies has been so screwed up since Carter.

6 – how does he know what God is thinking or if he is in deed punishing us. The last time I checked, there are not too many things that are happening to us by a supreme being that would cause me to think God has forsaken the United States.

“Interesting question within the context of some of what Barack Obama’s pastor has said: Does God **** nations? I would say yes, of course. For example, Psalm 9:17 tells us: “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” And there are many other verses similar to this. In fact, the Bible is littered with the corpses of nations, families and individuals who turned away from God and His Law. So, is God ****ing America? I would say yes and the signs that He is include, just recently: 9/ll; Katrina; half of California burning down; 50 million abortions (remember that God hates hands that shed innocent blood and will avenge the shedding of such blood); rotten, corrupt immoral rulers for generations; and much more. Are all these things that are definitely NOT blessings simply unconnected coincidences with no meaning? I think not. We are one nation, under God’s wrath. And, to paraphrase a TV ad from years ago: We got God’s wrath the old-fashioned way — we earned it.”
Well, needless to say there was the proverbial “firestorm” of reaction— a reaction way too hot for “Free Republic” boss Jim Robinson to allow me to stay in his kitchen. I mean, for Robinson & Company, I had committed the unpardonable sin: I had criticized America!!!

In his email to me explaining why I had been dumped, Robinson wrote: “Sorry, in case you didn’t notice, your blame America message just wasn’t cutting it with our members, the majority of whom wholeheartedly support our Commander-in-chief, our troops and their mission. One of our moderators said enough is enough and pulled the plug.”
OK Let’s look at the first paragraph.

1 - We haven’t forgotten god, as a nation we have the highest religious participation in the world.

2 – I ask again, how does he determine that we are being d*mned by God.

The second paragraph shows that this is a b*tch session between him and another site. Somewhere in the article, he assumes that there is free speech on the web, guess he lives in a fantasy world.

Robinson: “As a conservative site, Free Republic is pro-God, pro-life,… pro-Constitution….”

Comment: Nope. Can’t be any of these things and be the cheerleader you are for Bush and the Republican Party. Bush has given us a Godless/Unconstitutional war and violated the Constitution in many other ways. He’s done nothing to stop your typical abortion and in fact thinks it’s OK to murder innocent unborn babies who are in the womb because of rape/incest.
Here is one thing that really bugs me, if abortion is a problem, then focus on one issue. He has brought in abortion and war together, calling the war Godless and unconstitutional, again trying to figure out what facts bear this as a truth.


No not at all, just the opposite. I think that the troops are doing Gods work in many ways, one is compassion – Duh isn’t that what Jesus said?


Oh come on… this is such a stretch and borders on the insane.

To set the record straight, Roe v. Wade is about privacy in all reality but no one has been able to bring together any amount of people to actually elect the people who can change this, so it is not the president’s fault – that just illustrates ignorance on how the system works.

Robinson: “Despite the wailing of the liberal trolls and other doom & gloom naysayers, we feel no compelling need to allow them a platform to promote their repugnant and obnoxious propaganda from our forum. Free Republic is not a liberal debating society. We are conservative activists dedicated to defending our rights, defending our constitution, defending our republic and defending our traditional American way of life. Our God-given liberty and freedoms are not negotiable.

May God bless and protect our men and women in uniform fighting for our freedom and may God continue to bless America. Jim Robinson.”

Comment: Hey!, but I’m no “liberal troll” or a “doom & gloom naysayers.” I’m an orthodox, Bible-believing Christian, former “conservative activist” and you gave me the boot! You need to get off the irrelevant liberal-bashing. This is not the real battle. No, the real battle is Godly people (Bible-believing Christians) versus non-Christians; God’s children vs Satan’s kids (see John 8:44ff); City of God vs. City of Man (St. Augustine). And God is not blessing our troops because our troops are voluntary participants in an unGodly, anti-God war. We’re under God’s wrath and judgment because we’ve turned our back on Him as a nation. That’s why our liberties and freedoms are shrinking. Read your Bible. Grow up. Put away childish things. Get wisdom.
Working backwards, I don’t see any facts bearing the idea that God does not bless these great people who are over there. With the low death rate, with the technology we have available and the mission that allows people we conquered to live freely and allow them to worship God as they see fit without interference is not an anti-God war. Reading backwards again, he makes the point that this is a real battle of is “Godly people (Bible-believing Christians) versus non-Christians” which is the same argument that was used during the crusades. I question his position about what is right and what is wrong, he fails to identify the people in his own religion who are damaging it, he classify people who believe differently as “Satan’s kids”, which is one thing that is unchristian as they get.


Veteran Expediter

We were not justified in using the bomb on Japan nor we justified going to war with Iraq. You are using your beliefs to justify this just like you are claiming that John is using his beliefs to justify his stance. The facts are we did use the bomb on Japan, Bush is a liar, our government has gotten away from being a republic, there is corruption from within, and we are getting more socialistic by the day, Bush has brought Big Brother back to life, etc.

He quotes the Bible as his basis. If you believe in the what the Bible tells us then you know there is no swinging, "Thou shalt not kill" to back up or justify killing.

Killing, murderering, maiming, hurting, or anything else you want to fill in the blanks with.

Tell me what is the difference between what we call terrorism and what we are doing in Iraq?

Define terrorism. Tell me who the enemy is, can you?

This is like playing football with the invisible man. If you cannot see or define your opponent then how can you win the game.

Our borders are no more secure today than they were when the "terrorists" attacked. How do you explain the fact that we have had no more attacks? Hmmm.

Heck, Bush has sold some of our toll ways and ports to foreigners that could be terrorists.


Veteran Expediter
We were not justified in using the bomb on Japan nor we justified going to war with Iraq. You are using your beliefs to justify this just like you are claiming that John is using his beliefs to justify his stance. The facts are we did use the bomb on Japan, Bush is a liar, our government has gotten away from being a republic, there is corruption from within, and we are getting more socialistic by the day, Bush has brought Big Brother back to life, etc.

Let’s tackle Bush first. Name one president who hasn’t lied? He is the same as Clinton, who was the same as Bush #1, who was the same as Reagan and so on. Our government got away from a republic not under Bush, but under FDR. We were more of a socialist government under carter than we are under Bush. The problem, and I got to be blunt with this is that the hate bush crowd is all over the place – starting with the ‘stolen’ election to our rights ‘vaporizing’ to a lot of other things and they can’t get a grip on reality of things, they lost an election and they hate the person who won. Their hatred is in the way of their reasoning and their patriotism; this really makes them look bad and like fools at the same time gets to many people to turn them off on any reasonable conversation. Like this author, he has a chip about being kicked off another website, he fails to understand what free speech is about and uses analogies that are old at best without facts that show me he is a revisionist, poor one at that.

Now the religion part, here is a bit of news for you; I think people like Aquinas and others who studied before Gutenberg set the type on the bible had it right, the people are not prepared to interpret the Bible. Sorry if this offends anyone but the fact is the Bible is a man made item and as such is interpreted to fit man’s needs and points of view, not God’s. I question the author on how he has such an intimate knowledge of what God is doing to us or not doing to us, it is not him or any other man that can make that call, just like the preachers and ‘experts’ who make claims of what some passages mean or that all Muslims, Hindi and Jews are the devil’s children. The author makes a claim about 9.11, about Katrina, about the fires in California but does not look at the positives, why? Three disasters mean nothing, if we had plagues and famine. When Abortion is interjected as a disaster, it makes me wonder what a man made problem is doing there other then indicating the author is clueless.

When you really study the bible in the way it was written, Latin or Greek or even Hebrew, in many cases there are more questions that are raised than solved. I noticed that there are a lot of people who actually take up a serious study of it and are left questioning their religion. I for one fall in that category and I decided to ignore the people who preach scripture and follow what I believe sets me apart from the claimant, being a good person to all.

I see more unpatriotic comments and a lack of true allegiance to the country by some ‘Christians’ than I have seen from any other group, makes me wonder what is up with that.

Now Japan, you don’t know what you are talking about, no disrespect. So let me explain a few things to you.

First off Japan was a very militaristic country with one leader. Every person owed an allegiance to that one person, no in between, no compromise. If he said die, you died. You didn’t go kicking and screaming or anything like that. What I think what many miss, we have a different culture, we make free choices and we were allowed to question authority, they were not. In fact they were conditioned for generations to think and act for the emperor who was God. Even the allegiance thing many miss, in this day and age, religion has not reinforced commitments and oaths, just the opposite but anywho, people in Japan and in fact German were lost without an allegiance. In Germany they had one problem with ‘democracy’, there was no oath to the country or anyone person (you can read about that from the Nuremberg trails and Goring’s comments).
Japan felt that the Asians were beneath them, at first they respected the Brits, aussies and Dutch, they thought the POWs would understand and stand up with them – this is a true fact bore out in one of the books written after the war by a Japanese General (I don’t remember the name but I have the book somewhere). It turned into a blood fest with the Japanese once they realized that the POWs were going to resist everything.

The war crimes were more than what the Germans did. First there was Korea, the Japanese exploiting the country, enslaving women and so on. They invaded China and killed what many estimate over 10 million civilians and POWs under Japanese rule.

So here are a few –
Nanking Massacre – 430,000 est
Changjiao massacre - 30,000 est
Manila massacre – over 100,000 est
Sook Ching massacre – 50,000

Those are the large ones but let’s not forget –
Banka Island massacre – 22 nurses were murdered
Kalagong Massacre – a whole village of 600 were wiped out
Parit Sulong Massacre – where POWs who were wounded were killed, about 150
Alexandra Hospital massacre – killing patients and staff
Bataan Death March – killing POWs who were wounded along the way
Laha massacre – where 300 Dutch POWs were executed
Panjiayu Massacre – where 3000 Chinese were killed
Tol Plantation massacre – where 150 Aussie POWs were killed

On to other war crimes-
Unit 731 which carried out human experimentation and tests on live people, including POWs and children
Biological warfare which was done on Chinese, mainly bubonic plague, cholera, anthrax
The use of chemical warfare, some of this was used on Aussie POWs with that the Changde chemical weapon attack
Starvation of millions
Torture of POWs
Slave labor

So when you say we committed a terrorist act by ending a war like that, you forget the lives lost to end the bloodshed. I don’t recall our government doing any of this, I don’t think that we went around leveling whole towns and killing civilians like they did but we used two weapons to stop a war that would not have been stopped until that man in that palace said so.

The revisionist today said the war was lost already and Japan knew about it but they forget a few things;

1-they never fought any Japanese to know what they were like
2-they don’t understand the allegiance that was built into the minds of the Japanese people, they would have fought to the death without hesitation
3-The bigger problem was simply they didn’t know how to lose. Truman during Potsdam was informed of the new prime minister’s speech and this guy used indecisive words which indicated exactly that.
4-There was also the problem within the military under Tojo type leaders who were committed to fight till the country was no more

We used the weapon justly, if we didn’t then a lot of others would have died needlessly.


You forget something else….

Using the atomic weapons were not as bad as what we did to Tokyo (the first bombing caused 250,000 Chinese men, women and children their lives), Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Fukuyama and Toyama (the last two were almost wiped off the face of the earth) but lets not forget Berlin, Hamburg, Kassel, Pforzheim, Mainz, Essen, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Cologne Braunschweig, Lübeck, Rostock, Bremen, Kiel, Hanover, Frankfurt, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Schweinfurt… oh and Dresden.

He quotes the Bible as his basis. If you believe in the what the Bible tells us then you know there is no swinging, "Thou shalt not kill" to back up or justify killing.

Killing, murderering, maiming, hurting, or anything else you want to fill in the blanks with.

Well actually the Ten Commandments says Thou shall not murder. The translation is off with thou shall not kill. In the Torah (I may be mistaken because I don’t have my copy or my notes here) but murder is the unjust killing of another which means that there is no protecting of an innocent life, no protecting one’s self or no fighting in a war. Yes war. Hate to break this to you but Jesus was Jewish and actually the Torah is part of what he practiced as a Rabbi.

We don't take war lightly. We go to war for a number of reasons, one is to protect and the other is to defend, which I remember something in the bible about that, don't know where it is but its there.

The last time I looked we were not doing a bunch of wanton destruction in the world but preventing a lot.

Tell me what is the difference between what we call terrorism and what we are doing in Iraq?

Well the difference is clear, we are not in there as conquerors, we are there as liberators. Terrorist lets use Iranians for a moment, want to take the country over and impose their way of life and their system of government. We have not done either if you didn’t notice. The problem with your way of thinking is you want to define things to actually quantify the existence of what is deemed as a terrorist but you can’t. See the problem, even one recognized in the intelligence world is that anyone can be one but they also can be a Marxist or a Leninist too.

The fact that it takes a big effort to seek out and identify people how want to kill or hurt us, and I give these guys in the government a lot of credit for that work.

Define terrorism. Tell me who the enemy is, can you?

This is like playing football with the invisible man. If you cannot see or define your opponent then how can you win the game.

From Wikipedia, most common definitions of terrorism include only those acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants.

Our borders are no more secure today than they were when the "terrorists" attacked. How do you explain the fact that we have had no more attacks? Hmmm.

Heck, Bush has sold some of our toll ways and ports to foreigners that could be terrorists.

I agree that our borders are less secure but….. Lets put it a different way, we have better intelligence work flow, we have improved some things but let others get messed up. The real problem is not Bush, he has been consistent, and the problem is;

The congress
The media
And the people

The one thing that I think has helped is his consistently. We are dealing with people who are not dumb. These people know that there is something wrong with a president who is ignoring polls and doing what he wants to do, a lot like Reagan, right? Well the problem is that they want Obama or Hillary in office and they know that these two will look at polls and make decisions based on polls – a very VERY poor way to lead.

Actually America does not suck. The ignorant people that help create a big government do.

And who is that?

I blame FDR and the people who think Social Security is a right.

I blame LBJ who created the great society to wipe out poverty which we now have the richest poor people in the world.

I blame Nixon, Ford and Carter for creating cabinet level departments that don’t do anything for the country.

I blame Clinton and Gore for their reinventing government

I also blame the people for their stupidity and the greed and ‘I want it now’ coupled with ‘I want my mommy attitude’ which allows people in government to stay in power.

The one thing that most miss is the increased in government jobs across all sectors of the governments right now, and it is causing problems for Cities and States who are running into a funding issue. The way to combat unemployment and job lost is to create government jobs and fill them. Think about that for a while.


Expert Expediter
As the daughter of a deceased Army Engineer Corps vet, I've been on the family end of seeing a father go off to war. I've never been in military service my self, but I've known the fear for my fathers' safety.

IMHO-- I think we should have brought our troops HOME when Saddam Hussein was executed.

I DO understand that we need to keep the terrorists "over there", but what about our own country? We would be better off with our troops ready to protect us AT HOME.
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Veteran Expediter
Let’s tackle Bush first. Name one president who hasn’t lied? He is the same as Clinton, who was the same as Bush #1, who was the same as Reagan and so on. Our government got away from a republic not under Bush, but under FDR. We were more of a socialist government under carter than we are under Bush. The problem, and I got to be blunt with this is that the hate bush crowd is all over the place – starting with the ‘stolen’ election to our rights ‘vaporizing’ to a lot of other things and they can’t get a grip on reality of things, they lost an election and they hate the person who won. Their hatred is in the way of their reasoning and their patriotism; this really makes them look bad and like fools at the same time gets to many people to turn them off on any reasonable conversation. Like this author, he has a chip about being kicked off another website, he fails to understand what free speech is about and uses analogies that are old at best without facts that show me he is a revisionist, poor one at that.

((((You know you are preaching to the choir. The Bush Hate crowd? They are the problem and you aren't. Nothing you have said here is any different than those of us defending our views. Yeah, he states that he has a chip. Actually I think your own views cloud you.))))

Now the religion part, here is a bit of news for you; I think people like Aquinas and others who studied before Gutenberg set the type on the bible had it right, the people are not prepared to interpret the Bible. Sorry if this offends anyone but the fact is the Bible is a man made item and as such is interpreted to fit man’s needs and points of view, not God’s. I question the author on how he has such an intimate knowledge of what God is doing to us or not doing to us, it is not him or any other man that can make that call, just like the preachers and ‘experts’ who make claims of what some passages mean or that all Muslims, Hindi and Jews are the devil’s children. The author makes a claim about 9.11, about Katrina, about the fires in California but does not look at the positives, why? Three disasters mean nothing, if we had plagues and famine. When Abortion is interjected as a disaster, it makes me wonder what a man made problem is doing there other then indicating the author is clueless.

(((The people are not prepared to interpret the Bible? Geez. This is your basis for an argument on religion. You are right! People are not smart enough to keep the context of the Bible to the point instead they drift off and twist the word to their liking. You say murder, I say kill. Who cares? The intimate knowledge? This was given from Jesus Christ to his disciples, and then written. Hmmmm. You have to kill to murder.)))

When you really study the bible in the way it was written, Latin or Greek or even Hebrew, in many cases there are more questions that are raised than solved. I noticed that there are a lot of people who actually take up a serious study of it and are left questioning their religion. I for one fall in that category and I decided to ignore the people who preach scripture and follow what I believe sets me apart from the claimant, being a good person to all.

(((My brother-in-law is a professor in Greek and Hebrew history and culture at the University of Chicago. I think he is a little more authorized to speak on such matters. Religion? They don't question their religion. Did you ask them? Actually John does not claim to a good person at all. His post was simply to show just how unjust some sites are. The point of his article was that he was mad at the republic site for booting him off after he practiced his right to "freedom of speech". More power to him. His views just like mine get picked apart, however, I am the one defending his right. His views may not be suited for all those on the band wagon but they are suited for those that believe this country's original principles are dwindling.)))

I see more unpatriotic comments and a lack of true allegiance to the country by some ‘Christians’ than I have seen from any other group, makes me wonder what is up with that.

(((Geez, must I restate what I have already said. That's funny! I served my country, did you? I do not believe in our reasons for going to war. Do you want me to think like you? Would that make me patriotic? ))))

Now Japan, you don’t know what you are talking about, no disrespect. So let me explain a few things to you.

First off Japan was a very militaristic country with one leader. Every person owed an allegiance to that one person, no in between, no compromise. If he said die, you died. You didn’t go kicking and screaming or anything like that. What I think what many miss, we have a different culture, we make free choices and we were allowed to question authority, they were not. In fact they were conditioned for generations to think and act for the emperor who was God. Even the allegiance thing many miss, in this day and age, religion has not reinforced commitments and oaths, just the opposite but anywho, people in Japan and in fact German were lost without an allegiance. In Germany they had one problem with ‘democracy’, there was no oath to the country or anyone person (you can read about that from the Nuremberg trails and Goring’s comments).
Japan felt that the Asians were beneath them, at first they respected the Brits, aussies and Dutch, they thought the POWs would understand and stand up with them – this is a true fact bore out in one of the books written after the war by a Japanese General (I don’t remember the name but I have the book somewhere). It turned into a blood fest with the Japanese once they realized that the POWs were going to resist everything.

The war crimes were more than what the Germans did. First there was Korea, the Japanese exploiting the country, enslaving women and so on. They invaded China and killed what many estimate over 10 million civilians and POWs under Japanese rule.

So here are a few –
Nanking Massacre – 430,000 est
Changjiao massacre - 30,000 est
Manila massacre – over 100,000 est
Sook Ching massacre – 50,000

Those are the large ones but let’s not forget –
Banka Island massacre – 22 nurses were murdered
Kalagong Massacre – a whole village of 600 were wiped out
Parit Sulong Massacre – where POWs who were wounded were killed, about 150
Alexandra Hospital massacre – killing patients and staff
Bataan Death March – killing POWs who were wounded along the way
Laha massacre – where 300 Dutch POWs were executed
Panjiayu Massacre – where 3000 Chinese were killed
Tol Plantation massacre – where 150 Aussie POWs were killed

On to other war crimes-
Unit 731 which carried out human experimentation and tests on live people, including POWs and children
Biological warfare which was done on Chinese, mainly bubonic plague, cholera, anthrax
The use of chemical warfare, some of this was used on Aussie POWs with that the Changde chemical weapon attack
Starvation of millions
Torture of POWs
Slave labor

So when you say we committed a terrorist act by ending a war like that, you forget the lives lost to end the bloodshed. I don’t recall our government doing any of this, I don’t think that we went around leveling whole towns and killing civilians like they did but we used two weapons to stop a war that would not have been stopped until that man in that palace said so.

The revisionist today said the war was lost already and Japan knew about it but they forget a few things;

1-they never fought any Japanese to know what they were like
2-they don’t understand the allegiance that was built into the minds of the Japanese people, they would have fought to the death without hesitation
3-The bigger problem was simply they didn’t know how to lose. Truman during Potsdam was informed of the new prime minister’s speech and this guy used indecisive words which indicated exactly that.
4-There was also the problem within the military under Tojo type leaders who were committed to fight till the country was no more

We used the weapon justly, if we didn’t then a lot of others would have died needlessly.


You forget something else….

Using the atomic weapons were not as bad as what we did to Tokyo (the first bombing caused 250,000 Chinese men, women and children their lives), Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Fukuyama and Toyama (the last two were almost wiped off the face of the earth) but lets not forget Berlin, Hamburg, Kassel, Pforzheim, Mainz, Essen, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Cologne Braunschweig, Lübeck, Rostock, Bremen, Kiel, Hanover, Frankfurt, Mannheim, Stuttgart, Schweinfurt… oh and Dresden.

(((And how is this country or any other country you can come up with our problem? I will never understand how human beings pick apart the Bible to justify war. War is never justified. The only time I will kill another human being is to protect my life and homeland. When we have an enemy that we can actually point out you let me know.)))

Well actually the Ten Commandments says Thou shall not murder. The translation is off with thou shall not kill. In the Torah (I may be mistaken because I don’t have my copy or my notes here) but murder is the unjust killing of another which means that there is no protecting of an innocent life, no protecting one’s self or no fighting in a war. Yes war. Hate to break this to you but Jesus was Jewish and actually the Torah is part of what he practiced as a Rabbi.

(((I believe you have to kill in order to murder, and innocent people do die. Again with the assumptions. "I did not know" that "I did not know" that Jesus was a Jew. OMG! Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Yeah, I know all about that stuff. You are preaching to the choir and making assumptions about me.)))

We don't take war lightly. We go to war for a number of reasons, one is to protect and the other is to defend, which I remember something in the bible about that, don't know where it is but its there.

The last time I looked we were not doing a bunch of wanton destruction in the world but preventing a lot.

(((Says who?))) Last time I checked out the powers of the people we did not have a vote as to whether we go to war or not. So who is the "WE" that don't take war lightly?)))

Well the difference is clear, we are not in there as conquerors, we are there as liberators. Terrorist lets use Iranians for a moment, want to take the country over and impose their way of life and their system of government. We have not done either if you didn’t notice. The problem with your way of thinking is you want to define things to actually quantify the existence of what is deemed as a terrorist but you can’t. See the problem, even one recognized in the intelligence world is that anyone can be one but they also can be a Marxist or a Leninist too.

The fact that it takes a big effort to seek out and identify people how want to kill or hurt us, and I give these guys in the government a lot of credit for that work.

(((Good for you! I don't. Who crowned us liberators? In order for that statement to be true then the Iraqi people would have had to ask for our help. Did they? No. So your statement is opinion.)))

From Wikipedia, most common definitions of terrorism include only those acts which are intended to create fear (terror), are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants.

(((Create FEAR, sounds like our government. HMMMM, perpetrated for an "ideological" goal. Need I say more.)))

I agree that our borders are less secure but….. Lets put it a different way, we have better intelligence work flow, we have improved some things but let others get messed up. The real problem is not Bush, he has been consistent, and the problem is;

The congress
The media
And the people

(((I agree that it is not all BUSH.)))

The one thing that I think has helped is his consistently. We are dealing with people who are not dumb. These people know that there is something wrong with a president who is ignoring polls and doing what he wants to do, a lot like Reagan, right? Well the problem is that they want Obama or Hillary in office and they know that these two will look at polls and make decisions based on polls – a very VERY poor way to lead.

((I AGREE.))) Actually they are practicing the art of deception. The danger in thinking as a collective is that it is easier to create a speech that influences a bunch of people with the same belief system.))) Belief systems are very hard to change, but they come in handy when trying to manipulate. You know like the Kool-Aid drinkers!)))

And who is that?

I blame FDR and the people who think Social Security is a right.

I blame LBJ who created the great society to wipe out poverty which we now have the richest poor people in the world.

I blame Nixon, Ford and Carter for creating cabinet level departments that don’t do anything for the country.

I blame Clinton and Gore for their reinventing government

I also blame the people for their stupidity and the greed and ‘I want it now’ coupled with ‘I want my mommy attitude’ which allows people in government to stay in power.

(((I AGREE.)))

The one thing that most miss is the increased in government jobs across all sectors of the governments right now, and it is causing problems for Cities and States who are running into a funding issue. The way to combat unemployment and job lost is to create government jobs and fill them. Think about that for a while.

(((Gave it a thought.)))

(((Again, thanks for your views. I have always found you to be full of knowledge. Keep sharing it.)))

These different views surely make for great conversation.
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Veteran Expediter

I think you are confusing the word Jew as a religion. I must tell you that Judaism is a religion not being a Jew. Judaism was not practiced by Jesus. I know plenty of Jews that do not practice this religion. Me for one.

What does it mean to be Christian? Can a Jew be a Christian or must he/she practice Judaism? Can an Indian practice say Shintoism rather than Buddhism?

Religion was created by man not God. It's this commonality that binds a people. This is where man starts to translate the Bible to his/her liking. If I don't agree with the Catholics then I might choose the other religions. Whatever floats my boat or agrees with the way I live. I do not believe in any religion.

Judaism: this religion considered as forming the basis of the cultural and social identity of the Jews.

Shintoism. the native religion of Japan, primarily a system of nature and ancestor worship.

Buddhism: a religion, originated in India by Buddha (Gautama) and later spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet, and parts of southeast Asia, holding that life is full of suffering caused by desire and that the way to end this suffering is through enlightenment that enables one to halt the endless sequence of births and deaths to which one is otherwise subject.

Not to assume you did not know this but just in case.
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Veteran Expediter
As the daughter of a deceased Army Engineer Corps vet, I've been on the family end of seeing a father go off to war. I've never been in military service my self, but I've known the fear for my fathers' safety.

IMHO-- I think we should have brought our troops HOME when Saddam Hussein was executed.

I DO understand that we need to keep the terrorists "over there", but what about our own country? We would be better off with our troops ready to protect us AT HOME.

We have had similar experiences. I agree 100 percent with your statement.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
If you knew someone was planning to come to your house and blow it up, would you be better off standing out in the front yard with a gun waiting for them to get there, or would you be better off going to them, where they are, and dealing with them on their soil rather than letting them even get to yours in the first place? I'd much rather fight the enemy over there, than over here.

Be that as it may, that's not even why we're in Iraq.