Veteran Expediter
...and the Supreme Court of the US once said one man could own another based on their skin colors. But were they right? SCOTUS once said New London, CT could confiscate people's property to put up a hotel, and it happened.Well, the SC overrides the opinion of a couple of truckers. But I like how nothing is states rights anymore... it's all "I believe this, so that's how everyone should do it." That goes for you, Amogner, Leo, and several others, on both sides.
Does that make manstealing & property theft right? Answer: No, it just decriminalized them. The manstealers and thieves will still pay for it on Judgment Day.
Not even the state has the right to murder, nor to decriminalize murder, and they will regret it come Judgment Day.
LOS is absolutely right; a nation that permits prenatal infantacide can't claim to be shocked when children shoot other children or people commit mass murder in a shopping mall.
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