How low will you go?


Expert Expediter
"Ring, Ring"

"Hello, this is Monty ...."

"I have a load I can bid on right there in your hometown going to Broomfield, Co ... 200 pounds, one pallet, pu 2000 hrs this evening, deliver 2000 hrs tomorrow, 1200 miles. How much do you need to haul it?"

"Broomfield is not a good spot for me to get freight back, I'll do it for $1.35."

"Ok, I'll get back to you "

"Ring, Ring ...."

"This is Monty ..."

"We can not get that load at that rate .. how LOW will you go?"

"I will do it for $1.10, IF you include $100.00 for deadhead to get me back out of there."

"Let me check..."

"Sorry, we did not get the load, it is already gone at .30 less than we asked."

Someone took that load to Broomfield from Dayton for .80 cents per mile .....

Good luck going bankrupt, or I surely hope they have an assured return load!


Expert Expediter
"Ring, Ring"

"Hello, this is Monty ...."

"I have a load I can bid on right there in your hometown going to Broomfield, Co ... 200 pounds, one pallet, pu 2000 hrs this evening, deliver 2000 hrs tomorrow, 1200 miles. How much do you need to haul it?"

"Broomfield is not a good spot for me to get freight back, I'll do it for $1.35."

"Ok, I'll get back to you "

"Ring, Ring ...."

"This is Monty ..."

"We can not get that load at that rate .. how LOW will you go?"

"I will do it for $1.10, IF you include $100.00 for deadhead to get me back out of there."

"Let me check..."

"Sorry, we did not get the load, it is already gone at .30 less than we asked."

Someone took that load to Broomfield from Dayton for .80 cents per mile .....

Good luck going bankrupt, or I surely hope they have an assured return load!

Maybe it was on their way home or they needed to get to that area for some reason. Two of the most popular reasons for hauling cheap freight while still claiming that you dont.


Retired Expediter
Maybe it was on their way home or they needed to get to that area for some reason. Two of the most popular reasons for hauling cheap freight while still claiming that you dont.

Yes but completely valid and reasonable at that...


Expert Expediter
Maybe it was on their way home or they needed to get to that area for some reason. Two of the most popular reasons for hauling cheap freight while still claiming that you dont.

A mile is still 5280 feet, no matter which direction you run it in, and it still costs the same to run it.

People live all over this country, so every location is someone's home.


Expert Expediter
I received a call on Friday of last week from an agent at a large carrier represented here (name withheld to protect the guilty). He called asking if I had any van freight that I needed to move that morning. It was still a bit early and I wasn't working on anything at the time. This carrier had a truck that had delivered in Orlando that morning and he was trying to find the driver a load, promising me a good deal if I could help. Well, I would've gladly helped just because I really do like working with this guy. But before I could even promise to call them first, he offered to run anything outbound that we had for.....get this.....$0.50 a mile. I couldn't believe it.

I sat in the truck (and van) for a LOT of years before I started this company and now primarily sit behind a desk. I know what it costs to operate a decent vehicle and keep it decent. My idea of a deal that day was not lower than the owner operator's contract rate. Heck, I would've called them back first, just because he bothered to ask, because it sure SEEMED like he was trying to do the driver a favor.

But I do have to ask: Are you guys really that desperate for a load out of Florida when you get down here? Right now, it's actually cooler than most of the country, so what's the hurry?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
While I wholeheartedly agree that freight seems to have gone in the "john" so to speak, the above mentioned rate is not even remotely good if that is all that you are hauling, however, if it's just getting tossed in back, and added to the pile already in your truck why not. All those .80cpm add up.


Retired Expediter
I received a call on Friday of last week from an agent at a large carrier represented here (name withheld to protect the guilty). He called asking if I had any van freight that I needed to move that morning. It was still a bit early and I wasn't working on anything at the time. This carrier had a truck that had delivered in Orlando that morning and he was trying to find the driver a load, promising me a good deal if I could help. Well, I would've gladly helped just because I really do like working with this guy. But before I could even promise to call them first, he offered to run anything outbound that we had for.....get this.....$0.50 a mile. I couldn't believe it.

I sat in the truck (and van) for a LOT of years before I started this company and now primarily sit behind a desk. I know what it costs to operate a decent vehicle and keep it decent. My idea of a deal that day was not lower than the owner operator's contract rate. Heck, I would've called them back first, just because he bothered to ask, because it sure SEEMED like he was trying to do the driver a favor.

But I do have to ask: Are you guys really that desperate for a load out of Florida when you get down here? Right now, it's actually cooler than most of the country, so what's the hurry?

Ummmm YES......LOL


Retired Expediter
Let see...I could try to wait out Florida for a couple days then take a paid move of say .22 cents a mile to GA or SC.....or I could take that 50 cent load to GA for question comes I a businessman or a man of principles? Hmmmmm


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Let see...I could try to wait out Florida for a couple days then take a paid move of say .22 cents a mile to GA or SC.....or I could take that 50 cent load to GA for question comes I a businessman or a man of principles? Hmmmmm
From the carrier's viewpoint, though, I could offer you an empty move for 22 cents, or I could pay you the 22 cents, plus the 50 cents, for a total of 72 cents to take that load to GA. I can also snag an extra 22 cents for FSC from Moot and Turtle's variable rate FSC and end up paying you 94 cents to take that load, and it only costs me the 22 cent paid move.


Retired Expediter
From the carrier's viewpoint, though, I could offer you an empty move for 22 cents, or I could pay you the 22 cents, plus the 50 cents, for a total of 72 cents to take that load to GA. I can also snag an extra 22 cents for FSC from Moot and Turtle's variable rate FSC and end up paying you 94 cents to take that load, and it only costs me the 22 cent paid move.
Good how many dispatchers are even allowed to think outside the box?.....That is real creative...


Expert Expediter
The bids are low all over the country, I just cant believe that many carriers are bidding so low, its not just people trying to get home, its happening load after load. It just makes me sad.


Retired Expediter
The bids are low all over the country, I just cant believe that many carriers are bidding so low, its not just people trying to get home, its happening load after load. It just makes me sad.

Oh...I can.....bad enough we have the next stage is much left over for us??


Expert Expediter
Oh...I can.....bad enough we have the next stage is much left over for us??

Well, I guess i can to, I just cant believe it, I can see certain areas, but its everywhere, I really dont see how drivers are making any money running at these rates, not when its happening over and over, sure would be nice to know what carriers are doing this and what the drivers are getting paid, I just find it hard to ask a driver to run for 50-70 cents a mile over and over, no matter where they are sitting.


Veteran Expediter
LOL...Kenny why you keep stirrin this pot ??? You and I both know that none of this is a problem for us...LOL...that Runnin for a $1.08 wasn't even an issue...LOL...:rolleyes::D

LOL, but then again, I guess "playin" this game is ok, cause most won't believe it (want we are avg'n) anyhow.....:)
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Expert Expediter
LOL...Kenny why you keep stirrin this pot ??? You and I both know that none of this is a problem for us...LOL...that Runnin for a $1.08 wasn't even an issue...LOL...:rolleyes::D

LOL, but then again, I guess "playin" this game is ok, cause most won't believe it (want we are avg'n) anyhow.....:)

I can believe it, Load One is a really good company, It seems they really take care of you guys.


Retired Expediter
Well, I guess i can to, I just cant believe it, I can see certain areas, but its everywhere, I really dont see how drivers are making any money running at these rates, not when its happening over and over, sure would be nice to know what carriers are doing this and what the drivers are getting paid, I just find it hard to ask a driver to run for 50-70 cents a mile over and over, no matter where they are sitting.

some carriers have no problem asking.....just say no...