How is this anything less than first degree murder?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I have no problem with jailing those who deserve to be jailed. That usually results in hand wringing from some though so I thought I'd throw out a different wringer this time.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is ONLY a description of how some people are weak minded, and others are not. Rioting, the sports mob kind, is totally a result of disgusting people acting in a disgusting manner. Strong people, walk away. Those who rioted, WANTED to riot, and I contend, that they were either prone too, or often acted in a similar disgusting manner.

Have there not been cases of people being given lighter jail, or no jail, terms based on the "mob mentality" idea? :confused: I just woke up from my afternoon beauty nap and my mind is a bit fuzzy and can't recall where I read that at.

ANYWHO, I contend that people act how they want to act and mobs have little to do with it.

You have your school of thought, and I mine, both based, I am sure, on two different lifetimes of experience and different educations. It is unlikely you will convince me, or I you.
The key word is ACT. Being part of a mob will empower someone who might already think about doing something, to act on it. They wouldn't act on it if they were by themselves. Or at least less likely .


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The key word is ACT. Being part of a mob will empower someone who might already think about doing something, to act on it. They wouldn't act on it if they were by themselves. Or at least less likely .

I still contend that they were scum prior to "joining" the mob, or they would not have done so.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
It is ONLY a description of how some people are weak minded, and others are not.
Not even close, no.

Rioting, the sports mob kind, is totally a result of disgusting people acting in a disgusting manner.

Strong people, walk away.
Some do, some don't. Some weak people walk away, too.

Those who rioted, WANTED to riot, and I contend, that they were either prone too, or often acted in a similar disgusting manner.
Well OK then.

Have there not been cases of people being given lighter jail, or no jail, terms based on the "mob mentality" idea? :confused: I just woke up from my afternoon beauty nap and my mind is a bit fuzzy and can't recall where I read that at.
A reduced or dismissed sentence by reason of mob reality? No, that's absurd. I've never heard of that.

"Well, gee whiz yer honerz, ever body else wuz flippin' cars and light'n 'em on far, so I figurd it wuz OK"

"Well, it's not. Your're an idiot and you're guilty."

ANYWHO, I contend that people act how they want to act and mobs have little to do with it.
Then you are arguably the least observant person on the planet.

You have your school of thought, and I mine, both based, I am sure, on two different lifetimes of experience and different educations. It is unlikely you will convince me, or I you.
Mob mentality (also herd behavior, herd mentality, group mentality and group behavior) is not a school of thought. It's not dependent on different life experiences and educations. It's simply the result of real-time observations of reality. They are interchangeable terms that have been used to describe human behavior ever since people began to form tribes, migrate in groups, and perform cooperative marketing and agricultural functions. It's how stock bubbles and stock crashes occur.

Have you ever seen a school of fish, a flock of birds, a herd of animals? Have you ever noticed that they will often all do the same thing. At the same time. Together. All at once. That's herd behavior. It's not a school of thought. It just is. It's reality. It's how herds and other like groups behave. There is safety in numbers, and not standing out is a popular way to survive. You have a far greater success of survival if you are part of a large group than if you are off by yourself.

With an angry mob, it's no different. When a group of people has assembled because they're emotional and angry about something, it only takes one act of violence from one individual or a small group of individuals to whip the entire crowd into a fury. Others will follow the initial rioter's lead and begin destroying property or hurting people. Being part of a group can destroy people's inhibitions, making them do things they'd never otherwise do all on their own. They lose their individual values and principles and adopt the group's principles, which, during a riot, are usually to cause destruction and avoid detection. This can seem to be a just and righteous action, since the mobs assembled after an act of perceived inequality or unfairness, like when Obumer ripped of the Constitution, and the communal emotion can make the cause seem even more important. Being in the midst of a mob can be exciting and powerful, like a woody, and it can make people feel invisible, as they are part of a huge group, and they won't be singled out or held responsible for their actions.

It's got nothing to do with weak minds or strong minds. It's not a theory or a school of thought. It's observing what happens. If you don't believe me, go out and observe a school of fish, or a flock of birds, a murder of crows, a pack of dogs, a clowder of cats, a colony of beaver, a tribe of baboons, or a herd of deer, or a group of people. Or a bevy of women migrating to the lady's room.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
You can believe WHATEVER you want, it IS your right, at least for now.


You can go read a "Smutty Book", (IF you get this one you can figure out the difference between a STRONG mind and a WEAK one) It's a '60's thing.


People are not fish or birds. Never have been, and, unless Obama stays around, never will be! By the way, it is BECAUSE of the "flock" mentality of birds, or the "school" mentality of fish, that allow those INDIVIDUALS, who are a smart as I, to feed off of them as we see fit! Their "mob mentality" makes it EASY to "conquer" them. (flocks of sheep are not sheared by other members of the flock, now are they?)

(Lighten up, losing weight is a GOOD thing!)
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Veteran Expediter
Actually there is. It's psychobabble for real, so u can understand how you would reject it.

Mob (or herd) mentality, describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors, follow trends, even purchase items. Examples of the herd mentality include not only rioting, but stock market trends, superstition, home décor, and being gluten free.

Yeah: gluten free. When I studied nutrition in nursing school, we learned that celiac disease is pretty much the only reason we'd see a gluten free diet ordered, so I was mystified by the sudden epidemic of it lately, lol.
And women getting tattoos, which makes me glad the one I've had for 25 years is usually out of sight, because now it's embarrassing. :eek:


Veteran Expediter
People are not fish or birds.
Well yes ... that's quite true ... just as birds are not fish ... and fish are not birds ...

Nevertheless, they - including people - are animals:


  • 1.
    a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Eating grapes off of an older female. bust explains it all. OR, if it too hard, ask William from Buffalo. It is also the ONLY time you will see lead float. (Fun is had by all)


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Did in the Reginald Denny case.
Really? I could have sworn that Damian Williams, Gary Williams, Henry Watson and Antoine Miller were arrested and charged, and at trial not a one of them were absolved of their actions due to mob mentality.

absolve: to free from guilt or blame or their consequences

That didn't happen with any of them.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Did in the Reginald Denny case.
The defendants got a slap on the wrist due to a hung jury. The hung jury was a result of the racially charged atmosphere at the time:The Denny trial was after the Rodney King incident and subsequent acquittal of the officers.
There might be some that want to absolve members/perpetrators of a mob action for whatever reason, but it still doesn't make it right. A person is responsible for their own action,in any setting, riot included.


Veteran Expediter
Yes, the oft-forgotten victim still suffered the same injuries and losses. Mob action is no excuse.