Former Panther driver, straight trucks and cargo, havent been with them for about 2 years. I would like to start again, not necessarily any specific company in mine, just want to drive. What should I be aware of these days?
Unless you are looking to drive a ST or TT, dont look to drive for an owner, buy your own truck....
Unless you are looking to drive a ST or TT, dont look to drive for an owner, buy your own truck....
In my cv when I was out there, I turned down all runs past Dallas, no Ca, NM,and NY. It worked out fine imho. Straighttrucks, now thats a different deal, they go everywhere. So,imho, get out ur marking pen and start at Laredo on I35 and go north to Dallas to Oklahoma thru Lincoln NB,straight up to Fargo to the Canadian border and stay on the eastern side of that line and I was better off doing that imho. Now that side, we all do what we want to do and if you want to see Ca and such, go for it .
Former Panther driver, straight trucks and cargo, havent been with them for about 2 years. I would like to start again, not necessarily any specific company in mine, just want to drive. What should I be aware of these days?