We have to describe what cheap frieght is.
A D unit running C, or a E running a D load is not running cheap freight. In fact it is servicing the expedite customer and creating more frieght oppotunity down the road for your company.
A company that has tractor trailers and hauls DAT or CH Robinson loads because they are not disiplined to handle expediting is that really hurting the expedite market?
Broker / Carriers that broker out thier automtive moves loads 1.10 a mile for a E unit (which I have seen many many times) is what hurts the expedite industry!
The economy is soft and frieght is slow, it is easy to sit there and say "No cheap loads" if you have money in the bank and are caught up on your truck payment, and your other bills are caught up. There is a reason why a lot of O/O are going bankrupt, it's not all because of cheap loads. Rates have been consistant fot the last 6-7 years..it's the cost of doing business like fuel, insurance, repairs etc that have gone up, and throw in a very soft economy..YIKES