We are presently living in an apartment with our oldest daughter. We had a house the first part of our trucking career. We had a nice house with acreage that we really enjoyed. We found that out on the road we worried about our home a lot. When we went home we had lots to do as for some reason when a house sits without people funny things happen to it. I spent most of my time cleaning and Bob spent most of his time maintaining the outside. When we decided to get into Expediting we sold our house and invested that money. We are slowly adjusting to apartment living but really do not enjoy this life style. The great thing is though we leave and we forget about the apartment no worries. When we come home we don't worry about fixing anything and can concentrate on personal things we want to do. Some day we will reinvest in a home but for now our money is growing and we do not have the stress of home maintenance.