.......the bill from the hospital showed up. 54000 yes thousand dollars for four and half days. that doesn't include the doctors. to me that seems obscene. i bought my house in 91 for 57000. my math skills aren't the best but thats over ten grand a day for a room. no wonder health insurance costs are astranomical. how in the world would a 'working person' ever pay that. thats more than most make in a year.
as a question.. what do you do about health care?
Well God FORBID if you guys gave up your rights, became marxists (ok, haha) and got national healthcare coverage!
Jeez you cry about your healthcare bills, you cry about your insurance premiums, and you cry about the possibility of becoming more socialist than you already are.
Wake up! When y'all are putting tons of money into a pot that pays for your healthcare, what is that? It's like a group plan right? And what would it be if the government collected those same funds differently with similar end results? Collected them according to income, or whatever other means they might come up with.
As far as I understand it, you guys already don't let the sick and ailing die in the streets just becuz they happen to be poor and in need of an appendectomy and some penicillin, correct? So what's so different?
Are you expediters just making soooooooo much money that you're afraid you're going to have to pay a buck or two of YOUR hard earned income towards some poor bum on the street who needs some medicine? Meanwhile, as an industry, seems many are into claiming as many expenses as possible to get away with, so you don't even have to pay taxes!
I sure don't proclaim to know the answers, but I can tell you for certain that the minds that are collectively thinking about the ways things could or couldn't work, are way smarter than I or you. And they're thinking way further than you could probably imagine, about what the potential downsides/upsides could be as a result. I've noticed people here seem to think fairly narrowly about things, more about how they might affect 'them', or 'their family', or 'their industry', or whatever.. and not necessarily about 'the big picture'.
You know.. as a Canadian who enjoys 'free' healthcare (to a point), I am still 'free' to go and pay for whatever services I'd rather pay for. I can fly to your country and pay for whatever services I want from whoever I want. Nobody is forcing me to go to one doctor over another.
Not having a 'benefit plan' since we are self employed, we end up paying lots of bucks each year anyway becuz the govt only pays for deemed 'necessities'.
The way I see it, it's all the same, only different.
Maybe we are a kinder nation tho, becuz.. say an old woman who has spent her life serving her husband, family and kids.. volunteered time to her church or whatever other organizations.. husband works hard for an honest living his whole life.. he dies.. her kids are grown and struggling financially across the nation somewhere.. he has no pension (maybe kind of like an expediter).. and she is broke eventually.. what do you do? Put her out in the street and tell her she should've thought ahead and provided for herself? Tell her already financially-struggling kids to come and support her? Let her die of frostbite and starvation? Do you decide who is worthy to get welfare and healthcare and who is not? If so, who is the decision-maker? What if others don't agree with that person's decisions? How do you help? How much is she worth? Where does she go?
Your problems are so much bigger than just saying 'obama the socialist wants to give us national healthcare.. beware.. run.. hate.. you'll be sorry..'..
I don't have time to read alot of news coverage, but I can't recall Obama saying he wants to give illegal immigrants free healthcare. In fact.. if you have national healthcare, it will be a lot easier to find the illegals because they'll be the ones withOUT the coverage. What'll you do with them then?