Careful theyll think you have sleep apnea, Thats one of the trick questions on the NEW exam youll recieve soon enough, DO YOU EVER FEEL LIKE TAKING A NAP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY...If you say yes youll qualify for FURTHER TESTING...$$$$
The doctors that give physicals will now ask you if you feel like taking a nap during the day. If you say yes, you may be required to take sleep apnea test.
When you get your required CDL physical the Dr. will ask if you snore, if you get sleepy or nap during the day, measure your neck and check your body mass index. Based on his findings you may be required to do a sleep study. Mine cost $4600 each and I had 2 plus the cost of the machine.
How do you know this? Where is it required or specified?
Diane and I just completed DOT physicals at a Mayo Clinic facility in Minnesota with two different doctors. None of that happened. Our carrier accepted the physicals. We're good to go.
EasyDoesIt, you had this testing done, but was it because of a blanket requirement that applies to all drivers or was it because you actually have sleep apnea?
I get it about the sleep solutions providers -- the companies that OOIDA calls "Big Sleep" -- using their political clout to have it mandated that a bunch of expensive and unecessary tests be given to truck drivers. But what I don't see is an official mandate that this be done. I know there is a lot of talk about such a mandate but does one yet exist? I know of none and may be wrong, which is why I am asking.
How do you know this? Where is it required or specified?
Without an industry-wide mandate, word will spread almost instantly among drivers about which doctors lean toward sleep testing and which ones do not. And drivers seeking to avoid unecessary tests would go to the ones that do not lean toward unecessary testing. Right?