Veteran Expediter
Smiling is good .... it's an expression, that generally, I'm more likely to be wearing than a frown or anything of that nature.Yay RLENT smiled - thats better
Fair enough ....I offered up another angle is all. Though from the many sites I have searched they all seem to have the "disgruntled employee" theme for his motive.
Reasonable premise and I do not disagree.As all of this is conjecture at the moment I answered IMO correctly that when it goes to trial we may all be wrong as to why he did it.
No, not really - at least if you are talking about the questions posed by pjjjj in the initial post.I did - but we are talking Manning on this thread aren't we?
The questions she asked (which, btw, I haven't replied to yet, but will shortly - sorry pjjj ) were actually posed in the abstract .... probably I suspect to address what are the real issues at their most basic or fundamental level (which was a very smart way to it) - removing the taint of the rather obvious disgust and loathing that many probably have for what may be this guy's sexual orientation (which as far as I can tell is more of a sexual confusion, than a real orientation), and the disgust and anger for what he is alleged to have done ...
Since Manning was brought into the conversation, moving the conversation from the abstract to the real world, the issues surrounding this whole affair, and particularly those that relate to Manning and how it is that he came to be arrested and accused as the Wikileaks source are very relevant.
You said above that we may ultimately find that Mannings reasons or motivations are far different than what we believe. That, of course, assumes that Manning is actually guilty of anything.
Please consider these two items, which are known and indisputable facts:
The source of the evidence against Manning is apparently Adrian Lamo - someone who is a convicted felon - a documented fact.
The person that "broke" this story, Kevin Poulson, is also a convicted felon - a documented fact.
Now, I'm not saying that anything of the following is necessarily true or that I even believe it in the slightest - just that it's possible - and often the actual truth is far, far stranger than any fiction you'll ever read.
People that are caught doing crimes are often leveraged to doing various things for the state - many times they are pressured, forced, or otherwise coerced to become informants. In both the case of Lamo and Poulson, the both have talents (hackers) which might be very interesting to intelligence agencies or the military. They are potential assets ....
The following is also a fact: On March 15, 2010 Wikileaks released a document which was (purportedly) a secret investigation and analysis of Wikileaks, originally published on March 18, 2008 by Michael D. Horvath of the United States Army Counterintelligence Center, which identifies Wikileaks as a potential threat and, in the final analysis, lays out how the organization can be fatally marginalized.
It is classified as "Secret/NOFOR" but if you aren't too squeamish about that sorta thing, you can read it here:
U.S. Intelligence planned to destroy WikiLeaks
So here's the question: What do we really know of any evidence beyond the allegations of one convicted felon (a gloryhound and hacker who I would imagine could easily manipulate IM logs), and the other convicted felon, who functions as the formers publicity agent and "broke the story" to the public ?
Just a couple of data points to consider and a little food for thought. Like I said, it ain't anything that I necessarily believe, but anything is possible.
Yup ... largely true I would imagine .... although there is one here that I believe graduated law school.LOL I would not even pretend to know the Philosphy of Law - I, as I am sure nearly everyone here uses "their opinion" only.
Opinions vary, some are more informed than others.
That is true - however that doesn't preclude including the request (to withhold from release or publication until material could vetted and redacted) to Wikileaks as part of the submission.According to Mr Assange the set up that WikiLeaks has for receiving whistle blower info is not designed to receive the senders information - which apparently is why Mr Assange had not heard of Pvt Manning.
And if the government can prove that Manning was indeed the one who submitted it ...... well then ... sure smells exculpatory to me .....
Ben was a pretty smart dude .... and a real party animal to boot ..... my kinda guyThat is a brilliant statement - and worthy of its own thread
Always .... well, almost .....Please say you are still smiling
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