Home Depot and CAIR


Veteran Expediter
Are they going to demand equal accommodations for others as well?
From the article - which references something which appears to press release - it doesn't appear that they demanded anything ... despite wild assertions and much frothing to the contrary ...

Once again, it appears you have provided something which appears to be something which it actually is not ...

Keep up the good work ... you're batting 1000 ... and there's no reason to ruin that streak ... thumbsup.gif


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Strongly suggest in writing. Happy now? Probably not. Probably not possible.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
The author of the piece is clearly the dumb blond that her portrait portrays her to be. Start with the atrocious grammar and sentence syntax, move to the opinions presented as fact, then finish with facts utterly misrepresented, some of which are contradicted by her own source material.

The truth is, Home Depot corporate contacted CAIR for help in locations where large populations of Muslims reside. They did that in response to the Lowe's "All American Muslin" extravaganza.


Veteran Expediter
Strongly suggest in writing. Happy now?
Nope ... the press release - all rabid frothing aside - is announcement of a event that occurred, and noting that they - as an organization - offer a booklet which is designed to educate employers on matters of religious concern to a particular religious community ...

It really isn't necessarily an indication that they "demanded" or "strong suggested" anything ... (facts not in evidence)

Beyond that, it is simply foolish to think that an organization which has such a narrowly defined focus - which is specific to a certain religious community - would be involved educating others, such as employers, on matters of others religious practices and sensitivities, not of their own religion ...

It would be like expecting the Knights of Columbus to offer their opinions and expecting them to offer education on matters of religious concern to Buddhists ...

Probably not. Probably not possible.
Well, when it comes to mischaracterizations, misleading crapola, and other forms of logical fallaciousness, yes - that's probably true ...

Probably not really that much of problem to those who are inclined to seek and speak the truth ... although it may well pose a very definite problem for those who aren't and don't ...
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Veteran Expediter
Google now reports "about 5,000 results" for "Home Depot Rolls out the carpet for Sharia Law" ... undoubtedly mostly in the right-wing echo-chamber ...

"Home Depot Rolls out the carpet for Sharia Law" - Google Search

In checking the 2nd through 4th results (after already having read the 1st, which is contained in the OP of this thread) I see that these appear to be identical ...

Interesting to observe the viral spread of stupidity ...

I predict that within 24 hours that number will at least double ... although I may be selling the idjits far short of what they are actually capable of ...


Veteran Expediter
By Amy Elizabeth
A Home Depot in Dearborn MI was the latest victim succumbing to the demands of an organization that shouldn’t be in existence in the United States of America. An American company the home depot gets over powered by the Muslim Brotherhood terror linked organization CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) has cast. The employees will be subjected to cultural awareness training. The CAIR states this will help them accommodate the religious sensitivities of the Muslim employees and customers. Corporate and Managers gain a better understanding of Muslims and are taught Islam.

Wow: "an organization that shouldn't be in existence in the United States of America"?

I mean, once you see that the reference to Sharia law in the title is totally unjustified, you know it's a 'hit piece' against any tolerance of Muslims, but this kind of remark is just incomprehensible.
Trace the allegations against CAIR to the source, and you find not much substance, beyond the FBI's penchant for 'investigating alleged terrorist ties' that turn out to be pretty flimsy. I wonder who the other 245 organizations on the list [along with CAIR] that got sealed were? That'd be pretty interesting to know.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
What's incomprehensible is her second sentence. OMG

I certainly understand why she didn't list any academic credits in her bio.
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Veteran Expediter
What's incomprehensible is her second sentence. OMG
Heheheh ... complete, absolute butchery of what I would assume is her native language.

The really amazing thing is that this (apparently) wasn't just a random post or comment on some internet forum somewhere ... it appears to be an article written by a particular author and posted on a website - which has multiple people writing for it - and which seems to be making at least some half-hearted effort at portraying itself as professional ... but apparently has no proof-reader or anyone vetting what is "posted" to their (news ?) "site" ...

Oh ... but wait just a second there Sparky ... not so fast !

I go to the "Contact Us" page and what do I find as the first (two) Facebook comment(s) ?:

DailyRoll Call · Nashville, Tennessee Please be in touch with me asap. My article on Home Depot is being circulated heavily with Amy Elizabeths name. It is not her article, and this could be a problem . The title of the article has been changed as well. I have not given her permission to do this Thank you

Has this happened to anyone else? This is plagiarism!

Geezus ... just shoot me ...

I'm not sure what which is more amazing: 1. the original butchery ... or 2. the fact that the person that ripped it off didn't correct it (either not caring enough to, or not being smart enough to) ... and then proceeded to publish it - replete with errors and butchery - under her own byline ...

If this is representative of the bulk of the GOP rank and file, the GOP is doomed ... and most deservedly so ...

I certainly understand why she didn't list any academic credits in her bio.
Yup ... on multiple levels ...
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Veteran Expediter
BTW: ... gopthedailydose ?

Sounds kinda like the prescribed treatment for cure of some sort of "social disease" ...


Veteran Expediter
By Amy Elizabeth
A Home Depot in Dearborn MI was the latest victim succumbing to the demands of an organization that shouldn’t be in existence in the United States of America.

Wow: "an organization that shouldn't be in existence in the United States of America"?

I mean, once you see that the reference to Sharia law in the title is totally unjustified, you know it's a 'hit piece' against any tolerance of Muslims, but this kind of remark is just incomprehensible.
She (whoever actually wrote this pile of excrement) really has no qualms whatsoever about letting everyone what a little authoritarian _____ (reader's choice) she is, does she ?

And the plagiarizer self-describes as a "Christian American Patriot" ...

Personally I'd insert "Heretical" right in front of "Christian" ... and "Anti-" front in front of "American" ... and then swap in "Idiot" in place of "Patriot" ...

Pure American Goober-ism ... courtesy of Boobus Americanus ...

Trace the allegations against CAIR to the source, and you find not much substance, beyond the FBI's penchant for 'investigating alleged terrorist ties' that turn out to be pretty flimsy. I wonder who the other 245 organizations on the list [along with CAIR] that got sealed were? That'd be pretty interesting to know.
Yup ...

Largely the same kinda deal as the whole Holy Land Foundation business ...


Veteran Expediter
Nice catch: finding a second person who claims to have written an article so bad the author is walking around with a [figurative] "kick me!" sign on her back.
You can't make this stuff up! [And if you could, it couldn't possibly be as awful, lol.] ;)