Hiring after fatal accident


Expert Expediter
Last January my son-in-law was involved in a fatal truck accident. He was not drinking nor was he on drugs. It was in the afternoon and had nothing to do with speed. He had driven semis all his life and I was wondering if he will ever be able to drive again and if so how long will he have to wait or should he just forget driving again. Before the accident he had been talking about expediting and would he be able to get into that .

Need to know soon so he can plan for his future. Thanks.


Staff member
Motor Carrier Executive
Safety & Compliance
Carrier Management
I'm sorry about your son-in-law's accident.
I would suggest that your son-in-law apply to the various companies that he is interested in, attaching to the appication a copy of the accident report or an "accident detail" sheet explaining the circumstances.
Crashes happen. (Safety people and insurance companies do not call them accidents). The fact that there was a fatality should not affect his chances for employment. The safety director at the company he is interested in, along with the carrier's insurance company will review his driving history (MVR), employment history, and possibly a personal interview to determine his eligibility for employment or contracting as they would with any driver.
Good Luck,