Higher Fuel/Slower Freight


Veteran Expediter
Well I have been going over the books for the last 5 yrs and its official. When the fuel prices hit $3.25 and up the freight gets slower and slower.
Plastics are the first thing to slow. I guess that's due to the fact that plastics are tied directly to fuel and chemical costs. Funny thing is most of what we use now have some sort of plastics in it.
Remember 10 years ago (maybe more) you were hard pressed to find plastics on the outside of a car or truck, now even engine components are made up of plastics.
They were talking yesterday (3/21) that if the unrest hits Saudi Arabia that fuel prices could go to $7.00 a gallon. If that were to happen??????
We are going into the start of the 2nd quarter when freight should start moving at a greater pace. Will it?? I don't know. Hopefully when April 1st comes next week it will be something more than April Fools day.
I think the world market is being hit by a Tsunami as we speak. We have a President who either doesn't care or can't figure it out that his time in the white house should be spent working for American interests not his own and the left wing. The only thing I've seen him do and do well is stick his chin out and get a smug look on his face. He thinks he can do no wrong. They have even changed the web site page for the US Justice Department from Red white and blue to Black and White. Tell me that isn't racial. The US Justice department took funds away from military attorneys investigating and bringing trials against 9-11 terrorists. Another words no trials just keep them at gitmo. I know this is America, I was shot down in VN yes rescued but wounded none the less fighting for my country, but as far as I'm concerned it's time to line them up against a wall give them what they deserve. I'm starting to vent so best get on with things.

Just a thought. Last year was a great year for Expediting. They say this year should be better. Freight indicators from January this year say it was stronger than last, is it? Well we'll see.

Good luck to all this year, hopefully when December rolls around we can all look back and say job well done. To me trucking is get the job done, run till your tongue hangs out and when its time to relax, relax take a load off and talk about that special load you had last month. Those were the good old days.;)
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Retired Expediter
Nice rant...:D

Think of the money you are saving by not running and paying that price...make sense? Naw....but what a thought....*LOL*

I think the traditional peak periods are all but gone...the times of merely drop and stop have vanished...this is a time for the thinkers to aspire and succeed...the paycheck seeker will wither and just go away...


Veteran Expediter
Sorry but one persons books does not make anything official. It only shows what has happened with that person.


Retired Expediter
Sorry but one persons books does not make anything official. It only shows what has happened with that person.

That is the beauty of this business Xiggi...there are so many variables to a persons numbers.....

A carrier will state numbers are up while you sit and rot say in Charlotte and you are saying "that is crap"....meanwhile they don't have enough trucks say in Alabama....BUT...next week it turns all inside out and what was hot is now not.....


Veteran Expediter
US Army
So far this year our rate has been up more than the fuel and we have done more miles than last year at this time.:)


Veteran Expediter
Remember 10 years ago (maybe more) you were hard pressed to find plastics on the outside of a car or truck, now even engine components are made up of plastics.

Plastics have been past of the car on the outside since the 30's. The use of more plastics today mean less than they did 30 or 40 years ago because of the engineering that goes into making the parts recyclable.


Veteran Expediter
Sorry but one persons books does not make anything official. It only shows what has happened with that person.

Just to clarify, I wasn't going over profit and loss I was comparing the level of freight verses the cost of fuel. I keep track of such things on a scale I keep. Kind of an indicator to things that might be coming.
I don't know how that makes it official, just an observation nothing more.


Veteran Expediter
That statement is officially incorrect, it was stated as an industry wide occurrence not an individual experience,

But Xiggi, the individual is the industry.

If we try to figure out what 1500 companies are seeing and how they are applied to everyone, it is impossible and rather wrong. This is an individual contractor world, we don't have employees running freight, but individual people who are the industry.

Does this make sense?


Veteran Expediter
US Navy
Its time to double our efforts in savings and wisdom, fire up the coleman or microwave ur dinners in the trkstps, thats 30 a day in ur pocket by not eating out,,,the last time I checked, 30 bucks times 30 days equals 900 bucks just for food,,,u could buy a new sprinter on that, u think?:eek:


Seasoned Expediter
OMH You mean to tell me U spend 900 a month on food??
You got to be kidding.

I am soooo embarrassed to admit this, but yes, we do. For two people, not cooking. I have a feeling a lot of others may be spending similar amounts, at least the fat ones like us ;)


Veteran Expediter
Well you don't need to drag half the house with you. Most of the things I eat I buy on the road. In the summer many times I will have a fresh salad and some really good fresh food, there is a trick to all of it. Winter is hard some times because this year my heating devices are out of the truck due to the remodeling.

What floors me is a while ago there was an EO member making a big deal about one of his colleagues living on $10 a day, kind of insulting to people like us who have been averaging $6 a day.


Veteran Expediter
Well you don't need to drag half the house with you. Most of the things I eat I buy on the road. In the summer many times I will have a fresh salad and some really good fresh food, there is a trick to all of it. Winter is hard some times because this year my heating devices are out of the truck due to the remodeling.

What floors me is a while ago there was an EO member making a big deal about one of his colleagues living on $10 a day, kind of insulting to people like us who have been averaging $6 a day.

Well the reason I drag most of it with me is a friend of mine's wife is one of the those coupon lady's. It's amazing the price she get's things for. Just an example, deodorant stick that I use usually sells for about $3.50 a stick. I pay 50c and get a years worth at a time. I don't pay for tooth past or tooth brushes and shaving cream is about 75c. I get the 12 dollar razors for a buck. I also pack a lot of cereal, Honey Nut cheerios for a buck the large box, so it saves me to carry. I do like the salads like you were talking about and when I get fruit and such its at a Wal Mart center. Your right it can be very inexpensive on the road if you take the time to fix it yourself. The most expensive thing for me on the road is showering daily. Truck stop rip off, but you got to have it.