High Loads on EO tonight - Slow Loading


Staff member
The way rates are going, that could be sooner than you think! Every load I've accepted this week has been underbid by someone else....:mad:
PS Advertising can serve a very useful purpose: informing. But too much of it is just SHOUTING for attention, and that's what I find offensive, when it distracts from what I wish to read.

Whew for a second there I thought you were criticizing us...
Sorry to hear about the under-bidding, Yech! Too much of that stuff is going on - I wished some one would own to hauling cheap freight.... for once.


Veteran Expediter
I find Firefox a lot faster for EO purposes (and most others too), except someone alot more computer-savvy than I, enlightened me about 'Ad Muncher'.. which is great.. except I got carried away with it.. and now, half of my EO is missing when I open it with Firefox, so I have to use IE for this site. (Techno-moron here :eek:)
I do find this site on the very slow side though, regardless which browser opens it.. except lately it hasn't seemed to be as bad/slow (even the night when all those people were signed on). Somehow either it's really improved in the past year or my connection has really improved.
It's gotta be tough tho for the people on the road who are using slower connections. I'd recommend anyone with those issues look into Ad Blocker Software - Ad Muncher , just don't get carried away like I did, do one setting at a time so you'll know what you did and how to fix it if the result doesn't match the intent :)


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Just a quick note, Ad Muncher is browser independent, it sits out in front of the browser, so whatever you do with it, it will work the same with whatever browser you use.

As for Firefox not working properly with the site, but MSIE working fine, by design, Firefox does not display web pages exactly the way Internet Explorer does. On the one hand, there are W3C standards and on the other hand, the way MSIE works. They are different. Firefox and Mozilla, Opera and others have opted to obey the W3C standards so page rendering differences between all these browsers and IE are to be expected.

Certain sloppiness in some HTML coding that IE lets slip by, Firefox won't put up with it. Certain MS API's and javascripts do things in their own special way, a way that MSIE is fine with, but not so much with browsers that adhere to the standards. There are some java calls on the Panther Web site, for example, that are particularly offensive to the standards, and Firefox won't have anything to do with it. To make matters worse, all too often the popularity of Internet Explorer and the laziness of some web site designers combine to result in many web sites that are only tested against IE. The Web designer says, "Looks good, tastes great, less filling. I'm done."


Veteran Expediter
Just a quick note, Ad Muncher is browser independent, it sits out in front of the browser, so whatever you do with it, it will work the same with whatever browser you use.

But, but, but, I don't have a 'reply' button, or any of those buttons you might use during a reply, like 'quote', I can't reply to posts when I open EO with Firefox. Don't ask how I did that.. but everything's still the same as it was with IE.
If EO is being really sluggish, I'll forego the option to reply and just go with viewing in Firefox since it's so much faster.

Hmmm I wonder if the combination of slower on-the-road connections combined with EO sluggishness could explain at least some of the hesitance to post here. (Not to mention the loss of complete posts as you're making a reply if something screws up in the process for one reason or another).
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