Help Needed in Finding This Interstate Trucker


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Hey People!

Just got this in my email from OOIDA. Keep your eyes open, let's catch this perv.
From: Angel Burnell <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 6:22 PM
Subject: We need your help finding an interstate trucker!

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The association was contacted by Deputy U.S. Marshall Randy Martinez for assistance in attempting to locate a long haul trucker by the name of Robert Ellsworth Williams. Mr. Williams is wanted for the rape of a minor and is also wanted for additional questioning in other cases.

If you have any information in regards to Mr. Williams, please call Marshall Martinez at 406-329-3625.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
You mean like the complete description, aliases and his picture that's in the linked PDF file? ;)


Staff member
Retired Expediter
I did think that was a little odd, that if the US Marshals know he's a long haul trucker, and were confident enough in that fact to contact OOIDA about it, you'd think they would know who he drove for. But apparently it's one of those "He may be working as a mechanic or a long haul trucker" kind of things.

I found this other PDF at the USDOJ/Marshals site that mentions the possibility of him being a trucker, and it's got a different picture of him (is that the same man?)

And then this blurb: scroll to the bottom
Fugitive Investigations, Montana