Ok, 1st let me thsnk those that have stepped up and offered to help with this situation.
Now, I have sent PM's to all that offered as to meeting and setting up a time slot for you to take time to be with the van. For anyone reading this now and feel that you would like to help, we will be meeting at the Van at approx 8 am Fri morning.
Now as I said in the 1st post, no one is expected to be a salesperson...all we need are people there to keep an eye on things and if you feel comfortable doing so, talking to people about the van and that it is a turn key ready to go expediters van...The big issue with someone being there is that we want the van open, and there are items in the van that could come up missing, no one is saying that will happen, we just want someone there to lessen that possibility.
As to a raffle, after speaking with a few people that do those, there are more then meets the eye here...while it seems a good idea, we won't be doing that and we will move on with our original plan of simply getting the van the most exposure to people that are coming to the expo for information and that are considing the purchase of a van to get started..
Express 1 has assured me that they will print a bunch of "flyers" with the info about the van that will be available to those that may be interested. Again, no one is expected to sell the van, we do NOT have permission to discount the price...all pricing will be handled by Jack and Gracie eith at a later date with anyone that has a really interest or over the phone...in addition, if anyone shows a real interest, on the flyer will be a phone # that they can call during the Expo and 1 of a few people will meet them at the van and talk with them...
Now while no one is expected to sell the van, if anyone feels comfortable talking about it with people, by all means, go for it...Again, the idea is simply to Expose the Van to people that my have an interest and make sure nothing "walks away" from the van...
So again, Thanks to all that have offered to help and thanks to Amanda for offering to make up a poster board....we can still use more help if anyone is interested, just meet at the van Fri morning at 8 and we will go from there... Thanks!!
PS: For anyone that has offered to help, if you can't make the meeting at 8 am fri, please send me a PM here on EO and I will get back to you with my phone # so that you can call me and we will work it out that way...Again Thanks, all of your efforts and help are appreciated..