HELP... Business Plan?


Expert Expediter
Hi, I am roughly new to the expediting business. I have been running my own company with my dad since July. We were able to start our company off by getting a loan for a van and a box truck. So we have pretty much been able to make ends meet (paying off loans) and we each bring home about a 300 dollar paycheck bi weekly. We are off to a slow start but things look very promising as long as we can get someone to invest in our business. Right now we are working out of our house and we would like to have an office soon but don't have the necesary funds. We only have one other driver besides myself, and my dad does all the financial work. What I need help with is a business plan. I have bought a program to help walk me through the steps of writing one, but it is still hard for me to put down what i am looking for on paper. I need some comparable statistics and numbers that will make my expediting business more appealing to an investor. We already have a few companies that we make runs for but we would like to expand, and in order to do that, we need to look and be more professional. That is why we need an office and possibly a semi in the future. The box truck just isn't big enough for large deliveries, and we find ourselves making 2 trips when only one is necesary. Any help will be greatly appriciated. I am just looking for some ideas on making a business plan. We work out of Michigan and do most of our deliveies to Indiana and in the Detroit Area, however we would like to expand that drastically.


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Fleet Owner
Based on your information I would say you are putting the cart before the horse. I would think a market analysis would be required prior to a search for investors. How would the investors know what they are investing in? Without knowing these numbers, it would be more to your advantage to lease to a carrier for a period that has a wide freight base. Numerous cost savings, namely insurance.
You will also gain experience and longevity in all facets of the business.
Investors will want to know your numbers, rather than numbers from a third party or resource.

21 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
Matt 5000 you say some conflicting things here, first you speak of having a loan for two vehicles and than say paid off? Which is it? The other item is a 300 every other week, I hope you can get that up to a min of $500 a week, should be at least $1,000 a week.

I wish you well, work on getting that revenue to stick in your pockets.