Rookie Expediter
05 379 with 18 Eaton, shifts smooth, no shavings on magnet, fluids good. Low side is great but when I put it in the big hole it make a racket! I don't know how to explain the noise other than a brake squeak with a slightly grinding, scratching that is more prominent at acceleration and somewhat planes out to a low hum after up to speed? A vibration can be felt on the clutch peddle and if I apply pressure only taking out the free play in the clutch the noise goes away! I don't know if I am overthinkin this or I just can't see the answer....floor mat isn't on peddle (give me some credit) pretty sure clutch is not outta adjustment, could it be a throw out bearing? Clutch brake? Weights thrown off balance on the driveshaft? High side inner sleeve? I'm baffled and really not sure where to start. Any advice is more than appreciated