

Seasoned Expediter
As most of you all rember i had to leave the road. Taylor is now 4 months today 17 weeks
I really do miss being on the road im hopeing to come back after her 1st birthday hope you all enjoy the pic



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Expert Expediter

She is beautiful!!

Why you would want to come back out here and leave that precious baby behind is beyond me?? Please don't take this the wrong way but you should stay home and raise her. If you must work, go get a 9 to 5 job until she finishes school and then come back out here. There will always be driving jobs.

Good luck with that little angel!


Veteran Expediter
Bambam, she is very pretty - and trust me, if you did go back on the road, you'd miss her enough to DH 3000 miles in a heartbeat!
My 'baby' just turned 18, and I miss her every day, on the road - so don't take it the wrong way, when I say that I hope you don't go back on the road. Babies, toddlers, and children NEED their parents, and that's what you are now - you need to put her ahead of what you'd like to do. (Only for the next 18 years, but it's SOOO worth it! ) Luck to you and yours. :)


Veteran Expediter
She is a beautiful little girl. I hope you aren't planning to bring a toddler out on the road.


Veteran Expediter
Bambam: you cannot be seriously thinking of bringing a baby on the road with you? :eek: In a job in which food, sleep, and every other need and desire must wait upon the demands of the freight, it would be irresponsible beyond belief to even consider, IMO.
Expediting doesn't make allowances for "baby on board" !!!


Veteran Expediter
Plus a child needs to be around others their age to fully develop socially. I remember riding with my dad and grandpaw in the summer as a kid and I loved every minute of it. At the same time I enjoyed going to water parks, church trips, and school dances. Chances are I wouldn't have been able to experience all of that had I grown up in a truck. I might have been a better cusser or dirty joke teller when I joined the Marine Corps, but that would have been about it.


Retired Expediter
I am surprised you didn"t name her...Pebbles....:D

You've heard from all the women here and now a guy...

Please get a local job...and stay at home...This is no place for a child.
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gotta go

Veteran Expediter
My daughter is 26 now, but when she was 2 I took her otr. I was not my husband's co-driver (just told him where to go) so I was able to pay attention to her. I can't imagine how hard it would have been to drive and mother at the same time. She has memories of hiding in the sleeper when approaching "chicken coops", that's sad. One of my regrets. Remember, once we make the commitment to be parents it's a full time job for a minimum of 18 years, income is our p/t job. Please treasure every moment with your daughter, make her feel she's the most important part of your life. Thanks for reading a little bit of advice.


Veteran Expediter
Bam Bam she is Adoreable.

There is not a insurance company out there that would allow you take her out with you. And when you should get a road side inspection, the Police will shut you down IMM. The child must have insurance on her to be in the vehicle, and the insurance companies will not do it I know that for fact.

Second of all how are you going to keep her in a Child Seat for 11 hours of 14? Would that not be on the Verge of Child Abuse? Even short runs.

Bam Bam this Industry is just not for Infints and Mothers especially if they are gona drive let alone if its just a family and the Dad Drives. This is no Life for a Child out here.
I saw a family doing just this and the DOT pulled them over and made them ALL get out of the Truck, Transporting them without Insurance is against the law. No one is allowed in the Vehicle without proof of insurance, DOT determined that they had been living in the truck for months without proof of insurance. TA in Dallas just as he was pulling up the fuel island.

Child Welfare was called in since now they were Homeless, just think if that were to be you. It was not a pretty sight that night for those of us who saw what was happening. Sad Bam Bam it was like looking at an accident sceene.