

Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Our littlest girl passed away this morning from cancer. It was our privilege to share our lives with this unique little dog. She is already sorely missed. She was 9.

I called her "My Little Trucker Girl" because I took her to her first vet visit in my pick up. She huddled up next to me the whole trip. When I would come home from the road, she would jump and bark until I sat down in the recliner where she would wiggle up next to me, sit up, and put her head under my neck. What I wouldn't give to have that right now.

It took me all afternoon to get this out. I'm not ashamed of the tears. This is for you Chloe. Rest well little one, we'll see you again.


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Expert Expediter
What a sweet puppy. You should not be ashamed of your heart. You lost a member of your family. I am sorry for your loss...but take comfort if you can in knowing you gave her a priviliged life and she returned the favor.

"Bruises fade and bones will mend-but a psyche can be ruined FOREVER" : LisaLouHoo, c. 2008


Staff member
I am sorry for your loss as well. She looks like she had you wrapped around her little paw.


Veteran Expediter
Motor Carrier Executive
US Army
I am very sorry. I know how important your dogs are in your life. I know she will be missed.


Veteran Expediter
So sorry to hear of your large loss. It's incredible, the amount of love and joy a cherished pet can bring.


Expert Expediter
We are so sorry for your loss Wolfman68. We can understand your pain. I love my own little ones so much I know I would be devastated if I were to lose one of them. Just remember all the good times and the love you had for one another, keep her alive in your heart. She was a beautiful little girl!


Veteran Expediter
Noooooo - it's so hard to lose the little [and not so little] furballs that love us more than we love ourselves.
My sincere condolences, and hopes that knowing she is free of pain is a comfort to you now. :(


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
we echo everyone else. No need to be ashamed of your emotions. She looks like she was an amazing and true friend to the end.


Veteran Expediter
Beautiful thread. My sister and her husband went through this and after their grief they decided to adopt only older dogs and give them love, knowing that it might only be for a short while. They adopted Hunter from a rescue group who had him after his owner took his own life.
This 10 yr old dog has already given them more joy than they could have imagined. Good luck.


Veteran Expediter
Sorry for your loss & good looking dog. I can understand the tears. I've cried 2 times in my adult life. Both were over the loss of dogs. Be well & hope your heart mends.


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and condolences.

We are dealing with the strange feelings of Chloe's absence, and have noticed that our other dogs are acting strangely as well.

Obviously, they know she is no longer here. They parade around the house with their noses in the air which I took as searching for her. The strange part is what they continue to do.

Chloe had a spot on the couch where she would "nest" her blankie and settle down for a snooze. She spent most of her last week in that spot. Now, the other dogs will not touch that blankie. The Lab, who was her best bud, will go over to it and sit or stand there, tail wagging. Obviously, her smell is still there, but he never did that before. Makes you wonder what he "sees".

In any case, it's strangely comforting, but I can't explain why.


Veteran Expediter
The senses of the dog is way beyond anything we know. Their intelligence and personality are as individual as ours. As our grief varies so does theirs. Take comfort in them as they will in you. Fondest memories is my wish for you Steve.

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