

Retired Expediter
I can see why some would want healthcare...

Me thinks these hospitals are really over charging when they know someone has insurance.

My 12 hour stay for my minor day surgery is a whooping $32,000..I did not stay overnight!
.and that does not include the Drs fee....

I haven't see the itemized bill yet but that better include everything right down to the anesthics guy! I see some negotiations in my future!!

I knew I should not have asked for them 2 Tylinol...*L*


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Not to worry, we will have this National Un-Healthy system pushed on us, costs will go way up and access to care will go down. That will make you feel better. Besides, at your age they will just be "letting go naturally". People are age won't have to worry about the cost. We won't be here!!!

There, that should cheer you right up!! :rolleyes:


Retired Expediter
Not to worry, we will have this National Un-Healthy system pushed on us, costs will go way up and access to care will go down. That will make you feel better. Besides, at your age they will just be "letting go naturally". People are age won't have to worry about the cost. We won't be here!!!

There, that should cheer you right up!! :rolleyes:

Oh thanks a lot..*l* You are such a jewel in the rough..I feel much better now...*LOL*


Retired Expediter
I see Mass. goes to the polls on Jan is a close race..the dems may lose that 60th vote in the Senate...Lets hope...


Retired Expediter
You would think that it kinda surprising that Mass would be a close race....the Dems would pay attention..especially when Mass has their own type of state healthcare that isn't going so good....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Now that would be something to see. A politician that pays attention to what his/her employers, the People, are telling them!! The mind would boggle at the novelty of it!! :D


Veteran Expediter
Me thinks these hospitals are really over charging when they know someone has insurance. My 12 hour stay for my minor day surgery is a whooping $32,000..I did not stay overnight!
That is absolutely criminal .....

I'm no supporter of healthcare reform ala the democrats .... but anyone that says there isn't a problem and everything is just hunky-dory with our present setup is simply deluded ...


Veteran Expediter
OVM said:
My 12 hour stay for my minor day surgery is a whooping $32,000..I did not stay overnight!
.and that does not include the Drs fee...

And you think that removing a damaged brain and replacing with a half a brain should be half price?:D
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Veteran Expediter
Still don't see RLENT's ideas on how to fix this problem.
Don't be a retard - I don't sit here replying on your time schedule - I have other things that I'm doing and I function on my time schedule, not yours.

What would you do to fix it?
First off, tort reform, of course.

Beyond that, I'd want to inform myself and consider the problem thoroughly to ensure that I understood it completely - before offering up some glib answer that would undoubtedly have unintended consequences (something that Congress is a master at doing)

There are a number of problems - in traditional medicine (which seeks to suppress any and all other potential competitors, including chiropractors and the like), and the insurance industry (personally I consider "insurance" to be a scam - almost a criminal enterprise in some cases)

One thing that is definitely needed is more competition, not less.

Another aspect would be to get the government out of any funding of the field and practice of medicine in any way, shape, or form whatsoever. (It ain't what the Founders meant when they said "the General Welfare" ...) Generally, wherever you have the government involved in such things, costs tend to rise, not go down - look at what has happened in higher education (college, university) as but one example.

Beyond that, get them out of the practice of regulating medicine, period.


Retired Expediter
I think the hospitals are in on the scam as well...

IF they think you are insured the bill is a whooper..then IF your insurance doesn't even come close to covering it....the hospitals are playing lets make a deal with a reduced amount...who is scamming whom????


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
"Don't be a retard - I don't sit here replying on your time schedule - I have other things that I'm doing and I function on my time schedule, not yours."

This was uncalled for, I was just asking.

As to the rest I tend to agree, I don't believe that we really understand all, or even part, of the reasons why health care is like it is. I would have to gather far more information than what we have now. I am all for outlawing health insurance all together, at least, that is how I feel right now.

The Congress, rushing off half ****ed the way they are, just about proves to me that health care reform is not their ultimate goal. If it were they would be looking at the problems first. You cannot fix a problem if you don't know what the problem is.

There are multiple problems and it is going to take multiple fixes to straighten it out.

One thing should be obvious, based on passed and present performance, government should not be involved.


Expert Expediter
My wife is a surgical Nurse, and I asker her why, if this health care reform is so bad, did the AMA publicly support it? The answer, which came from the surgeons that she queried, is that the greatest majority do not belong to the AMA and therefore, they do not represent the majority of Doctors. Most left when the AMA concentrated on a liberal agenda, similar to the AARP.

What they are not telling us, is what would happen when this goes through? The people that have health care insurance that they pay for, will come off of that system and go on the government teat. The people that have employer provided health care will not be affected. Once they get on the government teat, as has been demonstrated in other welfare type programs, they don't come off. While there are examples of success stories, they are the exception and not the rule, and deserve all respect for having done so.



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Keep in mind that this bill is not going to be the end of things either. Once the government gets their slimy hands on health care they are going to continue to expand their power. They always do. The cost of health care will be used to outlaw, tax or alter almost everything in our lives. This is only about control of the county. I find it very hard to believe, that deep down inside, even the most fervent liberal supporter thinks that our government is only there to help.