If you believe that people can use the local hospital's Emergency Dept in place of a doctor, for minor complaints, then you've never tried it yourself, lol.
Most hospitals are 'for profit' enterprises, and they take that part of their mission very seriously. They are obligated to treat you ONLY in a life threatening situation, and if you are uninsured, they'll do the least amount necessary to send you on your way, and then bill you unmercifully. (Many hospitals bill uninsured patients more for the same services than insurance companies, as well.) If the bill is not paid, they send it to a collection agency, and you'll be hearing from them, soon, and often.
If you can't pay for medical insurance, good luck - best you can do is hope you won't need it. But sooner or later, you will.
I know - this is a topic for the Soapbox. It just ticks me off that people seem to believe that free medical care is just handed to whomever demands it - it doesn't work that way anymore, if it ever did.