1st no one is entitled to healthcare, it is a business and that is all it is...2nd..if you can't pay at a hopital or drs office their are all kinds of charites and church organizations that help everyday. also STATE run programs that are under the STATES control, programs that those living in some states have voted on and given their permission to use tax dollars...voter approved STATE , not unfunded mandates made by the FED Gov. And even before that, FAMILY....i just seen in another post where charity starts at HOME, home is not the FED GOV!!!
Oh and as for that kid with diabeties, he will be just fine, another Gov program is the "S" chip, proram...you know the one that EVERY CHILD in america has access to even if your parents make a enough to buy their own insurance....another unfunded mandate by the fed gov......and then that kid can away go the the Juvenille Diabeties foundation, they have all kinds of FREE MED that "BIG NASTY PHARM" gives away to just about any under priviledged kid in need
So there are you alternatives...
And please tell me where the moral authroity to take mine and our tax dollars to pay for another persons healthcare comes from!?!? Forget the Cinstitutionallity, where did the moral authority come from??? Oh maybe it was from Robin Hood!!!!
And yes our founders would be rolling over in their graves, not at the precived greed since they set it up so that everyone has the same rights and opportunities to succeed in this country, but at the fact that our government is stealing tax dollar and misusing them...and creating massive trillion dollar debt that can't and won't be paid off...jefferson said that no government should bury the people in debt that the government can't payoff within is term........so much for that , lol barry will spend over 2 trillion this yr alone...he has already spent more then EVERY PRESIDENT COMBINED......
No no one is entitled to healthcare, or anything else that isn't covered within the Constitution of the USA...when i give it you, thats charity, when the gov takes from me and gives to anyone else, that is theft...
Oh and as for the seatbelt and helmet mandates, those are all STATE mandates...and NO one forces you to get a car or truck, you have the right not to own or use them...and you aren't FORCE to insure them, it is highly recommended , but it is a civil responciability not a governmental.. the bank likes the funds they loaded protected....with this insurance healthcare program of barrys, you will be FORCE to buy insurance of sometype. no matter if you want it or not, and you will be FINED if you don't buy it.....sorry thats not right.....it is socialistic liberal facism....
PS, with all of that being said, if the STATES individually want to offer a plan for healthcare for the poeple, they will let put that on the ballot and the citizens will vote on it just as Ohio is now talking about and MA and Washington states already have....then its all good, the people get to make that decision, but it is not for the FED gov to force another unfunded mandate on the people then force the people to fund it.....way should any of you pay for your own health coverage, then turn around and pay again for someones elses?????
This is "collectivism" at the best..and those that want to collect, normally are the ones that don't put anything into it.....
But you go ahead and support this crap...add to the burden of small business people who most pay their taxes on a 1040 and watch them lay people off, close businesses or move out of the country by subing their work out overseas.....you wanted change...enjoy....