Thats my slant on it.
But it is the greed of the doctors themselves.
Okay, free enterprise can do that.
My (ex) doctor of almost 25 years came up with this plan.
He sent out a very well made phamlet (color pictures and all)
stating he was changing his practice BACK to the way it use to be done.
Having a PERSONNEL relationship, you come in and he knows your name and history vs having to look it up.
He admits his practice is to large for this type of relationship so he is reducing the number of patients he will attend.
Sounds cool so far, I mean who wouldnt want a doctor who was able to view you as a friend and neighbor and still provide great health care.
SO, he is reducing his patient base, aprox. 2500 now, to just 600.
He feels this is the number he can deal with.
Now, back to that really beautiful phamlet,( glossy pics included of people sailing and puppy dogs and little children)
we read the fine print.
The CHOSEN ( 600 ) will pay up front, $1500
( every year ) to receive this wonderful one on one the way it used to be personal relationship with this doctor. ( Note: This isnt per family but per patient. You can do the math for your family.)
Thats $900000 without even seeing a patient.
All the usual fees experienced in the past relationship will remain as well as the cost of you health insurance.
As I said, he is my EX doctor of over 25 years.