hazmat loads



What do you want to know or discuss about hazmat loads? They pay a little extra usually. You may have to placard. You have to avoid certain roads, bridges and tunnels. There is more paperwork.

What else?


Expert Expediter
I am starting this coming monday (newbie) the company that is hiring me is Canadian. they want to expand into the US. they want me to get my hazmat rider ASAP. I know that i don't know. how much study and how hard is the test. from your reply I gather I get a premium. why?
(few hazmat people) additional insurance on my part? do you have hazmat endorment- do you use it or perfer not to go though thje additional paper work (more detention time?) let's start their. I look forward to your reply.:) gary


Veteran Expediter
First off, if you study the book for a couple of hours, you should have no problems. The questions at the end of each chapter are pretty much what's on the test. Also, you can stay until Secretary of State closes, and take the test all day. Usually you'll pass by the second time taking it.

Are you saying you have to pay more insurance to take hazmat? I had the impression the company pays everything involved with hazmat. Will you get extra to haul it?

Out of curiosity, which Canadian company are you running for? TST, Thompson's, Roaring Express, or someone else?

Good luck on your test.


Veteran Expediter

The test is really not too bad; I was totally unprepared for it and had to take it twice but I did pass. The second test had 40% of the same questions that were on the first test. I don’t think the pool questions are large to begin with.

I would highly recommend you read the entire hazmat section of the Michigan CDL manual until you know it really well and then read it again. Most of the questions were in the manual in one form or another but there were a few that you really had to think about the question.

Did you get your clearance yet? You will utterly confuse the SOC people if you go in there without it and want to take the test.

If you didn’t get your clearance, get that done (unless they changed it recently). It cost me $65 to get fingerprinted and it submitted. I know some have paid $100. The surprise was the letter I received saying I am not a threat, I already knew that.