Mrs. Layoutshooter has noticed the change. So far it has not had any affect on us. Not that it ever will. We will continue to run exactly as we always have and we will get there,in a timely and SAFE manner, when we get there. IF they bug us with running late stuff we will just continues to run as we are and they can bump the time.
There are several things that come into play here. Safety is the first, meeting pickups and deliveries on time and at a profit come after safety. Besides, I have a speed limiter, I can't drive any faster than I do. FDCC required me to have the limiter to remain in White Glove so they can live with it. Life is simple.
There are several things that come into play here. Safety is the first, meeting pickups and deliveries on time and at a profit come after safety. Besides, I have a speed limiter, I can't drive any faster than I do. FDCC required me to have the limiter to remain in White Glove so they can live with it. Life is simple.