Just wondering who drove for Expedite Solutions? Simple yes or no will work fine.
We don't charge for the 1st 50 questions!!
Good to know!!! Thanks!
I think he might have believed you.
Funny! A little smarter than that one
Welcome to our friendly corner of the web.
Funny! A little smarter than that one
MMMMMMMMMMM, not a total newbie, eh?
What's with the "eh?", been hanging out with OVM again?
What's with the "eh?", been hanging out with OVM again?
I forget, what colour are OVM's shorts eh?
Same color as you when your wife is done laying a beating on ya....*LOL*
did you mean expedite solutions or expedite services. as far as i know, solutions that was in indy now ft. wayne i think, is out of business as far as having trucks. services on the other hand is viable. easy fix what color are the trucks they advertise. gold w/shamrock-solutions red-services. im suprised the rest of you did not catch that, or am i on the wrong path and did you mean in the past?