Has release of Wikileaks documents cost lives?


Staff member
Retired Expediter
You keep saying "Statement of an OPINION as ABSOLUTE FACT" but that's not the case at all. In fact, that very statement is merely your opinion stated as fact. I state my opinion as my opinion, without alluding in any way that my opinion is an absolute fact, other than it's an absolute fact that it's my opinion. For example, when I state that I used to be a fan of Wikileaks, and Assange, but he's made that impossible now, and then I go on in the next three sentences to explain why I think as much, most reasonable people would infer that to be opinion, not fact.

Also, you can keep on quoting what Wikileaks has on their Web page, but they can call themselves a 5-wheeled bicycle if they want and it won't make them a 5-wheeled bicycle, any more than calling themselves media organization staffed by journalists will make them a media outlet organization by journalists. Actions speak far louder then words.

The gossip-related cables to not in any way conform to their stated goals. They are not important information (despite the fact that they might maaaaaybe possibly could be important information one day, maaaaaybe (that's known as pure conjecture with no supporting evidence), when combined with yet-to-be-released cables), nor do they serve the public good (other than the Assange cheerleading segment of the public). The majority of the released cables have no real ethical, political and historical significance, because they're private conversations of no importance, with the only political significance to them being the further promotion of Assange's political views.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, reasonable people might disagree. Well, not if they use reason with an open mind and think it through they won't. Not if they are able to see both the pluses and minuses of Wikileaks' and Assange's actions.

The people who think Wikileaks and Assange can do no wrong are just as bad as the Lieberman crowd. And that's a fact. :D