I'm in the proccess of leaving this company. When I first started they were O.k . I started off with a cargo van . When the economy started going south and fuel prices started to rise I realised that the cargo I was hauling could fit in a smaller vehicle. All the Van stuff started to dry up real fast. Now Courier Express is a total sham. They are trying to stay alive and they are doing it the backs of the ICs. They refuse to let you know how much a run will pay before you accept it. I myself have been a victim of this practice. But I simply refuse the run. It takes me only one time to do 100 mile run for 10 bucks and then dead head back to the barn. They will find any way to steal from their ICs. They charge 42.50 every week to use their pager. After a month of paying this fee , you would thing the pager is paid for. I wanted to use my own but they (courier express ) claimed that they use a special system. They cheat you on the fuel surcharge. They are loosing accounts like crazy because they can not hold onto their good ICs and the new guys comming in are so desperate for work and wont ask how much something pays before they waste their time. The following week they recieved their settlement and wonder why only made only 100 bucks net profit. Try living off of 100 bucks. Dont believe them when they claim that you will make at least 800 per week and your pushing a cargo van.