Has anybody seen this yet ??


Expert Expediter
The American Trucking Associations is deeply concerned about the impact of diesel price increases on the motor carrier industry and on our national economy. In the face of continuing and dramatic increases in fuel prices, ATA is working to find solutions to this national crisis by ensuring that trucking -- the backbone of the American economy -- does not break. We need to hear, first hand, from you about the fuel problems you are facing and how you are coping with the impact of rising fuel costs on your business. We know that high fuel prices are affecting you and we want Congress to understand it as well. Your story is important.

By putting a face on this problem, ATA can better address the issue and work toward a solution. By presenting your story to Congress and the media, they can begin to see how trucking operations are reacting and what they might expect to see from the industry moving forward. Help us take action and put a face on the national fuel price crisis. E-mail your company's story to ATA's National Fuel Price Crisis Watch at [email protected].


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
The ATA is the same group that was against any fuel surcharge legislation that recently failed. In fact they spent alot in their oppisition to its passage.
And again, this is the same group that last year said there was plenty of parking regardless of state available for all trucks.

Yes, and now they are concerned????

I'm touched



my response to the ata or however is getting the e

it said to write and tell you how my company is coping with the current fuel prices well I

project that within 4 months I will be bankrupt! oops forgot the goverment took that option

away from me so in 4 months I am my family will lose everything we have worked hard for,for

over 30 years. If the price continues to rise and ASSHOLES like ATA who oppose fuel charges

and rate increases to a liveable level it will take even less time. Of course the one

consolation I have is that i won't be the only one homeless there will be thousands of

other independents waiting in bread lines.so just take your time and when the bottom falls

out from under the independents and the large companys can finally dictate what the rates

well be dont blame anyone but yourselves that bread costs $10.00 a loaf


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The American TRUCKING COMPANY CEO'S Association is concerned with whatever affects their constituency's pocket. Their constituency is NOT truck drivers. They could care less about fsc. As the post says, they want to know how your COMPANY is dealing. They are useless for drivers.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Expert Expediter
RE: my response to the ata or however is getting t

I am in the same boat. The resources are gone due to the fuel prices and I have no idea how to make up for that, not in this life anyway.:(
In part of my city, fuel supply has been cut and several smaller gas stations had signs posted yesterday that they are out of gasoline...
I have no load so far, and due to the hurricane, I don't really know where loads will be going this week. I might buy myself a rope before they are out of them also:(:(:(


Expert Expediter
ATA Fuel Crisis blah blah blah

Yes I have seen this and I too, had to laugh that they are just now concerned over this and especially since they were so against the mandatory fuel surcharge because it would "increase consumer prices" BUT.... they are asking for our input here people! Use this as an opportunity to open your mind to them and let it be heard. I mean how often does a group like the ATA ask for a "truck drivers" opinion?! They've given us the opportunity so let's let 'em have it! ;-) I made up an email and sent it to everyone in my addy book who was even the slightest bit involved with any aspect of trucking and begged them to do their part too. I'd love to know that everyone would do the same. Whether it takes a 72 hr shutdown, a letter to the ATA, petitions to the White House, whatever... wouldn't it all be worth it if it actually made a difference? It's very simple, so please do your part and tell them your story. Be specific or general about it and tell them what your future holds! Here's the email that I sent out, if you'd like to use it great, or copy and paste to fit you and mail away people! Be safe - laci

Good day my friends! ;-)

Most of you know that I run a trucker website ( www.MadTrucker.com ) and the rising fuel prices have been a major part of the topic here lately, as well as a 72 hr trucker shutdown that's planned for Sept 21-23 nationwide! However, it's just recently been brought to my attention that the American Trucking Assoc has dedicated part of its site to a National Fuel Price Crisis program and are asking for your opinions and stories regarding the issue. Now I am sending this to everyone I know who MIGHT know someone who can relate to the topic. Please write your stories and email them or print this out and hang it up so that others may see it too! I sometimes think it'd take a miracle before the fuel prices among other things in the industry change in our favor but here's our chance to make our voice heard -- let's use it! So please take a moment to write something to them and send it. Or for those of you whom this isn't related to, please print it out and hang it where others can see it too and those of you in Canada --- this relates to you too if you travel in the US. Unfortunately, this is a worldwide crisis!

And remember... take a look at everything you own, use, and buy.... Estimates for 2004 showed that 80% of ALL goods delivered to consumers were delivered by TRUCK and that percent increases every year!

Without trucks, America stops!

Thanks -- Laci <ms379pete>


------> The American Trucking Associations is deeply concerned about the impact of diesel price increases on the motor carrier industry and on our national economy. In the face of continuing and dramatic increases in fuel prices, ATA is working to find solutions to this national crisis by ensuring that trucking -- the backbone of the American economy -- does not break. We need to hear, first hand, from you about the fuel problems you are facing and how you are coping with the impact of rising fuel costs on your business. We know that high fuel prices are affecting you and we want Congress to understand it as well. Your story is important.

By putting a face on this problem, ATA can better address the issue and work toward a solution. By presenting your story to Congress and the media, they can begin to see how trucking operations are reacting and what they might expect to see from the industry moving forward. Help us take action and put a face on the national fuel price crisis.

E-mail your company's story to ATA's National Fuel Price Crisis Watch at [email protected]

Visit the ATA site at http://www.truckline.com/fuelpricecrisis