Today is Clerihew Day. What's that, you may well ask? It's the birthday of poet, journalist, and author Edmund Clerihew Bentley (1875-1956), who created the most venerated form of poetry in all the English language: the Clerihew.
The Clerihew is a four-line verse where the end of the first line, or more often the full first line, is the subject’s name. Clerihews have an AABB rhyme scheme and meter is of secondary (or no) importance. This was written by Clerihew when he was 16:
Now it's your turn! Write your own Clerihew following the simple rules above.
Today is Clerihew Day. What's that, you may well ask? It's the birthday of poet, journalist, and author Edmund Clerihew Bentley (1875-1956), who created the most venerated form of poetry in all the English language: the Clerihew.
The Clerihew is a four-line verse where the end of the first line, or more often the full first line, is the subject’s name. Clerihews have an AABB rhyme scheme and meter is of secondary (or no) importance. This was written by Clerihew when he was 16:
Sir Humphry Davy
Was not fond of gravy.
He lived in the odium
Of having discovered sodium.
Was not fond of gravy.
He lived in the odium
Of having discovered sodium.
My contribution:
Judy and Ken did cargo vanning
Did many miles of scenery scanning
many years have past since then
and they sit on the porch like an old hen.
Did many miles of scenery scanning
many years have past since then
and they sit on the porch like an old hen.
Now it's your turn! Write your own Clerihew following the simple rules above.