Hi All,
It seems that everyone has there own opinion on what is and what is not deductible as far as the PER DIEM is concerned.
The Per Diem Deduction is for any type of food only, You do not need reciepts, But you must either have proof that you were on the road, or copies of Bills of Lading with a trip record, and/ log books.
As far as showers are concerned, Only the showers that you actually paid for are deductible. Not the ones you get for filling your fuel tanks or using any of the fuel cards.
As fars as entertainment expense, over the years we have gotten away with taking
audio books, DVD's, VHS'S, Movies gone to, Playing Golf, or gone to Amusement parks or sporting events. and other things while on Layover. Truthfully they are not Deductible on you tax return. The IRS has not enforced this deduction, but Lately with all the audits that they plan on doing this year on "Self-employed business persons" they will disallow any that are claimed. if you file a Sch C, it must me put in Part V Other expenses, and Listed on 1 line: Enterainment, The Amount and you must put Subject to 50%, and then enter the total in the corresponding line. You cannot take the full amount. and it cannot be a part of the amount on line 24 Meals and entertainment.
If there are anyother questions please do not hesitate to ask, We will try and answer them within 72 hours.
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