

Expert Expediter
Greg the following is your quote from another topic-"Freightliner only certifies a handful of companies to do frame work and if someone else does the work and it is messed up, you will have problems."

Question-can you list the companies that are certified?


Veteran Expediter
I can but I won't - the few times I will not pass info on due to reasons I will not get into, sorry.

This is something that you as a Frightliner owner (potential owner) need to discuss with the freightliner dealer, they are the ones to provide that info. They are capable to pass that on to you or direct you properly.

Now you may not agree with my comment(s), many don't but each manufacture has a group of upfitters and customizing companies that they certify as not to violate warentees. my source was the company themselves, not a dealer.

After I posted comments about stretched frames, I have gotten a few PM's and Emails from a couple of yahoo backyard hacks on this subject that has now cause me to seem to be a little defensive on this issue. I simply don't trust anyone with my safety or the safety of others who has no real qualifications to do the work and they seemed offened by my comments.

If a dealer says there is no such thing, I think that they are not fully aware of the company they represent.