This just needs a little of the lib/left PC magic dust. "The best defense is a good initiative". There. Fixed. Initiative is positive. Initiative is good. Can't argue with initiative. Can't denigrate someone with initiative.
LOL .... if you believe that,
then you clearly don't know me .....
The relevant question would be
"The initiative to do what, exactly ?"
Works along the same lines of redefining criminal aliens as "undocumented workers"
Heheheh ..... that's pretty funny .......
criminal aliens .......
"Klaatu barada nikto ?" ... and where's Gort anyways ?
....... I got no problem with calling an illegal alien
criminal - because to
some extent they are - they have violated the laws of the land that they have entered into ....... BUT .... here's the thing:
I apparently don't share
rabid compulsion that you got on it - and I am capable of
differentiating and
recognizing that the fact of being an illegal alien ....
having committed the utterly horrible crime of illegally traveling somewhere ........ isn't quite the same thing
as being a Ted Bundy (who confessed to murdering 30, although the number may be as high as 100) ....
..... and that violation of the entry laws into this country is essentially
a non-violent crime on it's face .....
..... and that no matter how many times you refer to illegal aliens, undocumented workers, or whatever you would prefer to call them as
criminals, that will
always be the case .....
It is certainly true that sometimes, some people, who are indeed truly
pathological criminals, do commit the crime of illegally entering this country - no doubt about it. Sometimes there is violence involved (
although not always by those attempting such illegal entry)
And that our enemies might seek to exploit such weakness (
which, in terms, of importance is the real thing to be worried about ..... as opposed to whether Pedro is cutting your neighbor's lawn)
On another thread I threw up a link regarding Open Immigration, with no comment -
I certainly didn't advocate it as a position - I just threw up the link to provide an additional viewpoint on the matter, ostensibly to provoke a
reasoned discussion and debate on the matter ....
What I can found extremely funny, was the knee-jerk REACTION (predictably on the part of some), and the inability to even discuss the idea on it's merits ..... in a rational way ....
(There is a reason why such discussion might be in your, or your children's, or their children's best interests ....... ask me if you really want to know)
or discrimination as "affirmative action".
Heheheh ..... now that there is kinda funny ......
I'm about as anti-affirmative action as you could get ..... but other hand I don't feel that discrimination is always necessarily a bad thing ....
To lay it out for ya, here's kinda how it goes: I'm not a fan of
the state compelling an individual who owns property to rent that property to anyone that they would prefer not to ..... it ain't the state's property, it's the individuals ...
Nor would I be a fan of
the state compelling a church to hire someone who obviously, by their conduct or their expressed moral views, are in opposition to what the church advocates or believes to moral or ethical ......
You wanna know what I find
truly criminal ?
Some frickin' retard, moron dumb*** cowboys, who being engaged in an
illegal war ("we wuz jus' followin' orders"), gunned down
unarmed civilians -
including two Reuters reporters and two children - who posed absolutely no threat to them whatsoever, from an Apache helicopter gunship ..... and then an organ of the state seeking to cover it up and deny that it ever occurred (
can we all say Mai Lai ?) ..... and the spineless bozo chickenhawks over here stateside that would seek to justify and condone such actions.
In terms of the order of magnitude, there is no comparison ......
I was gonna post this link awhile back in a thread all it's own, with extended commentary but .... well, my time is not
unlimited ....
Collateral Murder, The Video
and to fully understand the problem (as this is not the only incident by far), one would have to read the following Terms of Engagement, and observe how out of control things are (as evidenced by the continual, repeated efforts to reign things in)
Terms of Engagement
By the way, the video itself (from the gunsight of an Apache helicopter), and the Terms of Engagement are both still
classified ..... so if you are really, really squeamish about such things,
and believe that you ought to be good little boys and girls like the state tells you to, and that the path to a just and open civil society, freedom, or anything other than a policestate will be obtained by
not looking and in a remaining in a position
to take no responsibility whatsoever, as a consequence of remaining unaware, well then, ....... don't look.
BTW, this kind of
criminal activity is what your higher taxes will be paying for .....
and it is not an isolated incident ....
The only difference being those are always bad things whereas a good offense isn't a bad thing and doesn't need any fixing to begin with.
Yeah ...... just take the time watch the full, unedited version of the video of above (it's 39+ minutes long) with particular attention to what is being said .....
and then come back here and lecture me about "good offenses" .....
Criminal ? ...... you have absolutely no frickin' idea what criminal really is .....